Chapter 18: Overprotective

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Rani turned back to Kion, still passed out on the ground from shock. She chuckled, and nudged him.

"Wake up Kion!"

Kion instantly jumped up and got into a fighting position, "Who's there!" Rani giggled, "It's me Kion."

Kion eased up, "Oh good. You know, I had the weirdest dream where you told me you were pregnant."

Rani stroked his mane, "That's because your dream actually happened."

"So, you're actually pregnant!" Kion shouted. Rani nodded. Kion's face got serious, "In the tree, now."

"What! Kion! Are you serious!" Rani argued, but Kion pushed her in.

"Seriously. This isn't necessarily," Rani frowned. Kion stood at the entrance of the tree, "You need to stay in here. King's orders."

"I made you king," Rani chuckled. "And I made you pregnant. So now you do as I say. And I say, stay in the tree," Kion smirked.

"That is a very valid point Kion. But are you the one who gives birth?" Rani raised an eyebrow. "Well no-" Rani cut Kion off.

"Exactly. I go through the pain, so I decide if I stay in or not. Besides, I need exercise."

"Fine. But you will have an escort," Kion replied. "And who will that be?" Rani asked. "Me," Kion stated firmly.

"If you're my escort, I won't be able to do anything," Rani rolled her eyes playfully.

"That's the point."

"You don't have to be this protective of me. I'm fine," Rani chuckled. "How can you be sure? I want to make sure you're safe. And make sure the cubs are healthy," Kion said.

"Kion please just let me-"

Kion interrupted her, "Your fur!"

"What about it?" Rani raised an eyebrow. "It's not perfect!" Kion shouted. He started licking her fur, straightening it.

"Once again, I must remind you, my fur has absolutely nothing to do with pregnancy," Rani chuckled.

"We don't know that. I want to be sure that you don't have a miscarriage," Kion replied as he continued to clean her fur.

"Let's ask Makini then. Makini!" Rani yelled.

"Yes your majesty?" Makini walked up to her. "Kion says I need to lay down, and do absolutely nothing during my pregnancy. Is that a good thing to do?" Rani asked, already knowing the answer.

"No its not! Kion! You're trying to kill her! A pregnant lioness needs to be active!" Makini shouted. She hit Kion on the head with her bakora staff. "Oww!" Kion rubbed his head.

"Don't make me do it again," Makini raised her staff, in a threatening way. "Alright alright! You win!" Kion backed up.

"Good. Let Rani be active. It will be healthy for the cubs," Makini smiled.

"Ok I'll-wait CUBS!" Like as in, mutiple!" Kion shouted, his eyes widened. Rani nuzzled under his chin, "Don't worry. It'll be fine."

Makini chuckled and walked out.

Rani licked Kion's cheek, "Don't stress too much."

"W-We're having multiple cubs..." Kion said, in a daze.

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