Chapter 16: I'm Not Her

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Rani raked her claws into Vayne's side, just missing her stomach. Vayne growled with rage and clawed at Rani's face. Rani wasn't even affected as she ripped her claws into Vayne's fur.

Kion smirked, ready to join the fight. He bunched up his muscles, ready to fight Vayne. He jumped into the vicious fight. Rani and Vayne pushed him back, "STAY OUT!"

Kion backed up, confused. They both growled at him, "Uh Rani, what's going on?"

"A fight that you aren't involved in!" Rani roared. "Oh um, ok?" Kion was confused, but sat down.

Rani and Vayne turned back to each other. The began to attack again. Kion hated just watching, "Is it ok if I-" The two lionesses cut him off, "NO!" "Ok," Kion nodded.

Rani sunk her claws deep into Vayne's throat. Vayne choked on air. She made a quick comeback, and clawed at Rani's leg, but that didn't do much damage. Vayne gasped for breath. Rani watched Vayne fall, satifaction in her eyes.

Vayne collapsed on her side, and started wheezing like she was sick. Kion's eyes widened, realizing what Rani had done.

Vayne closed her eyes, and her body went limp. Kion stared at the dead queen of the Enchanted Pride.

Rani turned to him, "Well, that problem is taken care of." " just killed a pregnant queen," Kion said.

"So? It's not like you wanted the cubs anyway," Rani shrugged. "But...they were my cubs Rani," Kion replied. Rani looked at him, shocked, "YOU WANTED THEM!"

Vencel and Vidor waited for Vayne to come back out with the lionesses, but she never came. Vencel ran in, and he quickly stopped when he saw Vayne's dead body, "V-Vayne?"

Vencel compeletly ignored the fighting couple, and mourned the death of the lioness he loved.


"The were my blood too Rani," Kion replied. Rani couldn't believe her ears, "So if we had cubs, would you want them?"

"Of course I would. I love you Rani," Kion nuzzled her. Rani pushed him away, "Did you love me, or Vayne?"

"Rani I-" Rani cut Kion off, "You hesitated! You did love her!" Tears formed into Rani's eyes, "I guess I'll never be able to compete with Vayne then. I'm not her, and I won't ever be. I guess you found a new love," Rani slowly walked out of the tree, her tail dragging behind her.

"Rani! Rani wait!" Kion called for her.

Rani sighed, "I'm not Vayne, and I can't be what Kion wants me to be."

To Be Continued...

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