Chapter 5: A New Lioness

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Kion woke up to feeling something warm. He looked up and saw Rani on his chest. He smiled.

"Rani, time to wake up," Kion said. "But you're so comfy," Rani complained. "We have to do our royal duties," Kion said. "No, my pillow can't leave," Rani replied. "Ok ok, five more minutes," Kion chuckled.

After five minutes, Kion reminded Rani to wake up. "Rani it's been five minutes," Kion said. Rani sighed, "Fine." She got up and stretched. Rani hopped of Kion. Kion stood up and stretched. They walked out. The Night Pride and Day Pride were waiting for them.

"Anything happen last night?" Rani asked. "Actually yes, there was a lioness. She is looking for a place to live. Since you guys were asleep we just sent her to a den," Surak explained. "Bring us to her," Rani said. "Day Pride, start patrol," Kion ordered. They nodded.

Surak led Kion and Rani to the lioness. "Thank you Surak," Rani said. Surak nodded and left. Kion and Rani walked into the den.

There was a lioness there sleeping. "Excuse me," Rani asked politely. The lioness opened her eyes. "Who are you?" She asked panicked. She jumped up and backed away. "I'm Queen Rani, and this is King Kion," Rani said. "Oh," The lioness took a sigh of relief.

"What brings you here?" Rani asked. "My pride kicked me out. I wasn't the best of hunters," the lioness sighed. "What's your name?" Kion asked. "Quetzalli," Quetzalli replied.

(Quetzalli 16, Quetzalli means, "Feather")

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(Quetzalli 16, Quetzalli means, "Feather")

"Why is there a feather attached to your ear?" Rani asked. "It's a thing my Pride does," Quetzalli replied. Rani nodded.

"Am I allowed to stay?" Quetzalli asked. "Of course," Rani smiled. "Thank you so much!" Quetzalli hugged Rani. "Anytime," Rani smiled.

"Get settled in, at the end of the day, the pride meets at the tree for dinner, and now your apart of our pride," Kion said. Quetzalli smiled, "I'll be there." Kion and Rani walked out.

"That's cool, the feather thing on her ear," Rani said. "Yeah," Kion replied. Rani looked at Kion. He seemed to be on Mars. "Kion?" Rani asked. "KION!" She shouted. Kion shook his head, "Huh what!" Rani looked at him confused.

"Kion are you ok?" Rani asked. "Huh, uh y-yeah totally fine," Kion stampered. His eyes darted around. Rani started to get suspicious.

Quetzalli was in her cave. "Wow that Kion is hot!" She said to herself, "I wish I was Rani." She smirked. "Maybe I can be," she touched the feather earring with her paw. She turned into Rani. The only difference was her eyes were gold.

The pride Quetzalli lived in was an enchanted one, called the Enchanting Pride

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The pride Quetzalli lived in was an enchanted one, called the Enchanting Pride. If she looked Kion in the eyes as Rani, he would fall in love with her, then she could go back to her normal self. "Be prepared Rani," Quetzalli smirked.

"Kion, what's going on?" Rani asked. "Nothing," Kion quickly said. He went back to zoning out. Rani stood infront of him. "Kion your not acting right," Rani said worried. "I'm fine Rani," Kion walked off.

Quetzalli went looking for Kion, but as Rani. She found him by a tree. Quetzalli ran up to him. "Oh hi......," Kion said. His world went fuzzy, and he fell. Quetzalli had looked him in the eyes. She smirked. Quetzalli touched her feather again, and she turned back to herself.

Rani was getting worried about Kion. He didn't come back yet. "Baliyo have you seen Kion?" Rani asked. "Actually I did, he was hanging out with the new lioness," Baliyo replied. Rani gasped, "Where!" "By her den," Baliyo said. Rani ran there.

Kion was possesed by Quetzalli. He did whatever she said. "Kion, get me water," Quetzalli said. He did so. Kion had no control.

Rani got to Quetzalli's den. She stopped in her tracks. Kion was kissing Quetzalli.

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