Chapter 10: Don't Do It Kion

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Kion yawned and opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw Rani sleeping beside him. He looked at the entrance of the tree.

Kion could tell his parents had left. They weren't in the tree, and their scent was stale. Sure they could have just gone on a hunt, but there was a marking on the ground. Kion knew it meant they had left.

Kion nudged his mate, "Wake up Rani." She groaned, "Do I have too?" Kion chuckled, "Yes you, 'have to'."

Rani yawned and got up, Kion following right after.

"I'm going on patrol today Rani."

"I know Kion. I'll miss you," Rani nuzzled him. Kion chuckled, "I'll miss you too. It won't be the same without you beside me tonight."

"Ooooh were planning on something. Because I will cancel my patrol if you were," Rani smirked. "What! No. I wasn't planning on doing that. I feel like it's too early," Kion admitted.

"Oh alright. I'll give you a break. Just this time," Rani smiled and ruffled his small mane. They walked out of their lair.

"Morning!" Bunga shouted. "Morning Bunga," Kion smiled.

"You are going on patrol today right?" Fuli asked, a worried expression on her face. "Of course! Why? What's wrong?" Kion asked.

"Oh, uh nothing. Um...can I take the day off?" Fuli asked. "What for?" Kion raised an eyebrow.

"No reason

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"No reason. I just...need to hang out with Azzad," Fuli replied.

"Ok I guess," Kion shrugged. Fuli smiled and walked off.

Kion smiled and Rani, "I love you." He nuzzled her. Rani was shocked. They hadn't used the 'L' word yet. She replied quickly as to not sound shocked, "I love you too."

"Let's go Day Pride!" Kion ordered. He took the lead.

"It's great to have you back Kion!" Beshte smiled. "It's good to be back," Kion replied. "I wonder what's wrong with Fuli," Bunga said.

"I'm going to use Fuli's words," Anga said, "'Probably to the valley of 'non of our business'."

"I agree with Anga, Bunga. We can't pry in her personal life," Kion said. Bunga groaned, but nodded.

They kept on with Patrol.

After a bit, Vayne walked up to the Day Pride. "Hi Queen Vayne," Kion said.

"Just Vayne please."

Kion nodded.

"Anyway, Kion, I need to talk to you, in private," Vayne said. "Oh. You guys go on without me," Kion ordered. The Day Pride continued their patrol.

"What's up Vayne?" Kion asked. "Yeah, so I want you as my mate," She replied. "Sorry, but Rani is my mate," Kion replied.

"Is that what you think?" Vayne smirked. She touched her gold earring. Kion's eyes glowed gold, "You are my mate now Vayne."

"I want your cubs Kion," Vayne said. Kion nodded and approached her.

The voice inside Kion kept telling him, "Don't do it Kion! Don't do it!"

It was already, too late.

To Be Continued...

Kion and Rani: New RulersWhere stories live. Discover now