Chapter 6: Play In The Night

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Rani stood there shocked. "K-Kion?" She asked. Kion turned to her. His eyes were green.

"Why are your eyes like that?" Rani asked

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"Why are your eyes like that?" Rani asked. Kion stood there like a statue. "Kion, attack," Quetzalli ordered. Kion pounced on Rani. Rani kicked him off her. "What happened to him!" Rani shouted. Quetzalli smirked.

"Come here Kion," Quetzalli said. Kion walked to her. She kissed him infront of Rani. Rani pounced and pinned Kion down. She looked into his eyes. "Wait a second," Rani looked at Quetzalli's feather. Her eyes widened. Rani immediately knew what was going on.

Rani ran to Quetzalli. Quetzalli screamed and tried to run. Rani pinned her down. She ripped the feather out of her ear. Quetzalli's ear started to bleed.

She let Quetzalli go. "You're banished, and if you come here again, you will be killed," Rani showed her razor sharp teeth. Quetzalli got scared and ran away.

Rani walked over to Kion. He was on the ground. Rani nuzzled him, "Kion?" "What happened?" Kion rubbed his head. "You don't remember?" Rani asked. "Remember what?" Kion asked. "Uhh nothing," Rani said. Kion stood up.

"Hey where's Quetzalli?" Kion asked looking around. "Her pride asked her to come back," Rani lied. "Oh ok," Kion replied. "Let's go, it's late," Rani said. "Ok," Rani and Kion walked back towards the tree.

No one was there. It was late. Rani and Kion walked into the tree.

Rani hopped on the rock. "I need to tell Kion I love him," Rani said to herself. She watched Kion jump onto the rock. "I can't, he probably doesn't even like me that much. Ahh! What do I do!" Rani screamed in her mind. "I'm so confused!" Rani accidentally said outloud. "Confused on what?" Kion asked. "Oh crap that slipped," Rani said, "Uh I'm just confused on what to dream about!" Rani replied.

"How about me," Kion smirked. "Uh," Rani blushed. "What? Am I not good enough for your dreams?" Kion asked sitting down. "No, your perfect," Rani smiled. She nuzzled him. "Good," Kion smiled. Rani blushed. Suddenly, Rani was pinned down by Kion.

"Hey!" Rani complained. "Point Kion," Kion smirked. He didn't let her go. Rani rolled her eyes playfully. Kion started tickling her.

"Ahhh Kion!" Rani screamed. "Shh, your gonna wake everyone up," Kion said. "Sorry I'm very ticklish," Rani admitted. Kion smirked. He started tickling her again. "Ha ha ha! Eeek!" Rani squeaked. She was gasping for breath. "I..can't...breath!" She laughed. Kion stopped tickling her.

Rani caught her breath. "You weren't wrong, you are ticklish," Kion said. Rani smiled. She moved her body, and flipped Kion over. She had him pinned now.

"Let's see how ticklish you are," Rani smirked. She started tickling him. Kion had no expression. Rani was confused. "Are you not ticklish?" She asked. "Nope," Kion smirked.

Rani sighed and hopped off Kion. Kion got up. He saw Rani's disappointment. He sighed, "There is one place I'm ticklish." Rani looked at him. "My paws," Kion admitted. Rani smiled. She pinned him down.

"C'mon Kion, don't be a scardy cat. Show me your paws!" Rani said. Kion was hiding his paws from Rani. "Kion, if you don't, I'll ask Ullu to get your dad, and have him give you 'the talk'," Rani smirked. She had him now.

Kion panicked. He quickly showed Rani his paws. Rani started tickling them. Kion started laughing uncontrollably. Rani smiled,"I never thought a tough lion like you could be ticklish?" She stopped tickling him so he could answer.

"You think im tough?" Kion asked. Rani let Kion up. "Well yeah, I mean, your fighting skills are amazing, and have you even looked at yourself?" Rani asked. "No not really," Kion replied.

"Your super strong, and kind, caring and handsome," Rani admitted. "Wait what?" Kion asked. Rani just realized she said handsome. "Uhh nothing," She blushed. Kion raised an eyebrow.

Rani layed down. Kion layed down next to her. He put his right paw over her back, and left paw under her. He had her in a cuddle.

Rani suddenly felt Kion's arms around her. She smiled and fell asleep purring.

Kion could fell Rani purring. He smiled and went to sleep.

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