Chapter 14: Captured

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Kion was trampled over by lionesses. Vencel and Vidor grabbed his scruff. Vencel looked annoyed.

The lionesses held Rani back. The two males dragged Kion up to Vayne. Kion fought wildly to escape their grip, but Vencel and Vidor wouldn't let him go. Kion was knelt down infront of Vayne.

Vayne stroked his cheek, "So Kion, are you going to help me take care of our cubs." Vayne looked at Rani, and smirked. Rani struggled to fight the lionesses holding her back. She growled viciously at Vayne.

The silver queen turned back to Kion. She held his chin with her paw. Kion snarled and shoved her paw away.

"Let go of me you bastards!" Kion tried getting away from Vencel and Vidor, but they held him down.

"You will fix your mistake Kion. You will help me raise our cubs, and you have no say in it," Vayne kissed him. Kion tried to pull away, but Vayne held him.

Vencel looked at her, fury in his eyes, "That's enough." He pulled Vayne away from Kion. Kion spat, disgusted, "Don't ever do that again!"

"Oh Kion," Vayne smirked, "I will do it as much as I want. We are mates after all."

"RANI IS MY MATE!" Kion roared.

Vayne growled. She looked at Rani who was held back by the lionesses, "Kill her."

"NO!" The anger built up inside Kion, and he roared. Vayne smirked and touched her earring. Kion looked up and everyone was still there.

"Stupid Kion. Your roar is useless against us," Vayne tickled under his chin. Kion jerked his head away.

"Bring him to the tree. Leave Rani there to freeze," Vayne ordered. Kion roared as he was being dragged away, "Rani!"

Rani cried, "Kion!"

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