Chapter 9: A Visit

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Kion smiled when he saw Rani sleeping ontop of him. He licked her cheek, "Wake up. We still have Royal duties to do."

Rani looked up, "Alright." She jumped off Kion. "You ok?" Kion asked. Rani nodded, "Yeah, just had a bad dream. That's all."

"May I ask what it was about?" Kion nuzzled her. "You don't want to know," Rani sighed. "Well..." Kion smirked.

He wrapped his arms around her and pinned her down, "

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He wrapped his arms around her and pinned her down, "...I want you to know I'm here for you, and always will be."

Rani smiled, "Thank you Kion." "Anything for my angel," Kion licked her muzzle. Rani giggled and playfully pushed him off.

"Queen Rani, King Kion!" Surak shouted and ran in. "What's up Surak?" Kion asked. "It's your parents Kion, they're here!"

Kion's eyes widened in excitement. He dashed out of the tree. "Well he's excited," Rani chuckled. Surak shook his head with a smile. They walked out to join the king.

Kion ran full speed untill be met his family. And even then, he didn't stop. He crashed right into Nala, and fell ontop of her. "Mom!" Kion smiled.

"My baby!" Nala nuzzled her son. Kion purred. He then got off his mom and hugged his dad tightly."

"Nice to see ya son," Simba smiled. "I've missed you guys!" Kion jumped around in joy. "We've only been gone about two days," Nala chuckled.

"Someone likes to be a cub."

Kion turned around and blushed instantly. He forgot that Rani was right there. "Looks like you're a little mama's boy," Rani chuckled. "Don't forget my dad," Kion replied. Rani smiled and nuzzled him.

"Kion, we are letting Kiara and Kovu get a taste at what's its like to be King and Queen, because we will be retiring soon," Simba explained, "And we were wondering if we could stay here for a couple days. Because if we were in the Pridelands, either Kovu or Kiara would come running to us for answers."

Kion looked at Rani, "Of course you can stay," Rani smiled warmly. "Thank you. We will try and not be a nuisance," Simba chuckled. "You won't ever be a nuisance," Kion nuzzled his parents.

"Kion, do you want your parents to sleep in the tree?" Rani asked. "Sure, why not," Kion smiled. "Ok, I'll take them to the tree. You start with Royal duties," Rani led the King and Queen of the Pridelands to the Tree.

Kion started his lone patrol. He ran into Fuli, and the rest of the Day Pride.

"Oh hey Kion," Bunga smiled, "You joining us on patrol?" "I will tomorrow," Kion promised. "Yay!"

Fuli smiled, "Great, because I won't be able to lead much longer." Kion looked at her confused.

"I'll explain some other time."

"Oh ok," Kion had wished she told him right then, but she wanted it a secret and he needed to respect that. "See ya Kion!" The Day Pride walked off.

Kion headed toward the mountain pass. Kion noticed a lioness scent drifting through the air. He could tell it was fresh.

Kion and Rani: New RulersWhere stories live. Discover now