Chapter 7: Complements

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Rani woke up. Kion was still holding onto her. She smiled. She turned around to face him. He was sleeping peacefully. "Kion, time to wake up," Rani whispered.

Kion shifted, then went back to sleeping. Rani sighed, "Kion c'mon." Kion opened his eyes. "Morning beautiful," He smiled. Rani was shocked. Kion stood up and stretched with a roar. He shook his mane out. Rani was still comprehending that he just called her beautiful.

"Let's go," Kion said walking out. Rani followed, still in a daze.

"Morning Day Pride," Kion smiled. "Morning Kion," They said in unison. "Anything happen last night?" Kion asked the Night Pride. "Nope," Surak replied. "Is there anything you did last night?" Baliyo asked with a smirk. Kion raised an eyebrow.

"We heard Rani shreak last night, is there anything we should prepare for?" Nirmala asked smirking. Kion immediately new what they meant.

"No, we didn't do that guys, trust me," Kion said. "Uh huh," Surak raised an eyebrow. The Day Pride was shocked. "Kion!" Bunga shouted. "No Bunga," Kion rolled his eye's.

Rani stood there. She didn't know what to say. "Rani?" Baliyo asked. "Huh!" Rani jumped up. "You good?" "Y-Yeah," Rani stampered. Baliyo raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

"Ok Day Pride, let's go," Fuli said. They walked away. "We better get some sleep," Surak said. They walked off. Rani and Kion stood there at the base of the tree.

Kion stood infront of Rani. "Rani are you ok? Ever since I gave you the compliment, you've been acting weird," Kion said. "Well, it's just, I wasn't expecting that," Rani admitted.

Kion got on his hind paws and started jumping around. "Didn't expect this did you?" He asked with a smirk, still jumping. "No. No I did not," Rani chuckled.

Kion stopped jumping. "Let's go angel," he smiled. Rani was shocked again, but smiled. They walked to the lake to check and make sure it wasn't going down, or overflowing.

Rani was looking at the water with Kion. "It seems fine," Rani said. Suddenly, she was pushed in the water. "Ahh!" She screamed as she fell in. She heard laughing. She looked up to see Kion.

"Ha ha very funny," Rani rolled her eyes. She walked up. Kion looked at her. "What?" She asked. "Nothing," Kion replied.

Kion was looking at Rani, when suddenly, he was pushed in the water. He swam up to see it was Rani. He walked out. His small mane covering his face.

"You look absolutely ridiculous," Rani laughed. "Yeah yeah," Kion shook his mane back up. Rani tussled his mane. "Hey!" Kion complained.

Rani chuckled. Kion looked at the sky. "We better go back," Kion said. Rani stopped him, "Or, we could stay here?"

Kion raised an eyebrow. Rani nuzzled him. "I know we spend all day together, but that's just duties. We never have any time to just, be us," Rani said.

Kion smiled. He pulled Rani closer. "Rani, I'm glad we get to spend all day together. Now, I'm excited to spend all night with you," Kion smiled.

"What do you want to do?" Kion asked. Rani gave him a flirty look. Kion backed up. "Anything other than that," Kion tucked his ears down, "And besides, I don't even know what to do. I haven't been give 'the talk' yet."

Rani sighed. "Rani, I might not be ready for that, but I want to make you happy. I'll sing a song for you," Kion said. Rani smiled.

"Aww Kion, I love you," Rani smiled. "Want to sing a song together?" Kion asked. "Yes," Rani smiled.

Rani and Kion walked into the tree.

Rani set Kion on his back, and layed down on his chest. "I love you Kion," Rani licked his cheek. "I love you too," Kion kissed Rani.

Rani nuzzled herself into Kion's chest and fell asleep, purring. Kion smiled, layed his head down, and drifted to sleep. It may be the middle of the day, but they could use a cat nap.

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