Chapter 17: Explanation

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Rani ran away crying. She couldn't believe Kion had betrayed her like this. She started feeling like she made a mistake making him her king.

"Why can't I just have a normal life!" Rani cried.

Kion ran after his mate, "Rani wait!" Rani didn't turn around. Kion growled and chased after her.

Rani screamed as she saw Kion gaining on her. She tried running faster, but she couldn't match with Kion.

Kion quickly sped forward and pinned her down. Rani stared at him wide-eyed.

Kion held Rani down firmly, "Rani! I never loved Vayne! I love you Rani! I always have!" Kion leaned down, and kissed her.

Rani couldn't believe what was happening.

Kion pulled away, "I just wanted the cubs Rani. I never wanted Vayne."

"But what about, our cubs?" Rani asked. "When we have cubs, I promise I'll love them just as much as I love you," Kion nuzzled her.

"Not 'when' Kion," Rani said. Kion looked at her confused. "Now. We're having cubs soon," Rani stated.

Kion's eyes widened. "I've kept it a secret, just because there might be some complications, or a miscarriage, but I've reached the time where the cub or cubs are healthy, and I can announce it," Rani explained.

"'re pregnant?" Kion asked. Rani nodded. "Maybe I should...j-just lay down f-for a minute," Kion said. He lost his balance, and passed out.

Rani chuckled, "Well I never expected that." She grabbed Kion by his scruff, and dragged him to the tree.

When Rani arrived, she saw the Enchanted Pride in a circle. Rani noticed some silver fur in the middle, and knew it was Vayne.

Rani started to feel sorry for her. After all, she just wanted a mate to give her love and affection, but it was never given to her, so she tried forcing a relationship.

Rani let go of Kion's scruff, and walked over to them.

"Are you guys alright?" Rani asked. The lionesses glared at her. A gray lioness walked up to Rani.

"I'm Labiba," She said, "You know, you didn't have to kill her. Why couldn't you have just tried to work it out? Vayne had anger issues, and I tried all I could to help her. She was getting better, but then she heard about Kion, and all that healing went down into a sinkhole."

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm so sorry," Rani apologized. Labiba sighed, "It's alright. We'll be out of your fur now."

Labiba, Quetzalli and the other lionesses picked up Vayne. Rani looked at them curiously.

"We are going to bury her at our kingdom," Quetzalli explained. She wiped her tears away.

Rani nodded, and the Enchanted Pride left.

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