Chapter 8: Enchanted Pride

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Quetzalli ran back to the Enchanted Pride, angry with herself. She had a mission, and failed, miserably. She held her broken earring in her paw. She had managed to take it right before leaving. Her ear stung bad where her earring was ripped out.

She walked toward the entrance of the Enchanted Pride's cave. The cave was enormous. The leader of the pride wanted a big enough cave for them to live.

Quetzalli stood at the entrance. The only two males of the pride stood there. "Vencel, Vidor, let me in," Quetzalli ordered.

(Vencel 23, Vencel means, "Victorious")

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(Vencel 23, Vencel means, "Victorious")

(Vencel 23, Vencel means, "Victorious")

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(Vidor 20, Vidor means, "Conqueror")

The lions of the Enchanted Pride were unique. They had paint covering their bodies, and earrings. The earrings were for hypnotizing, and taking shapes of other animals.

"The leader isn't going to be happy you failed," Vencel said. Quetzalli looked down sadly. Vidor lifted his paw and touched her ear which the earring was ripped out of, "What happened?"

"King Kion's mate, Rani, I think her name was, she ripped the earring out," Quetzalli sighed. Vidor licked her ear, which helped a little, "Best of luck."

Quetzalli walked into the cave. She smiled as her markings went back onto her fur. When any Enchanted Pride lioness left the cave, her markings faded, but when she walked back in, the markings came back.

The cave was absolutely gorgeous. Crystals covered the walls and illuminated the cave.

She gulped and walked toward the leaders rock in the cave, "Ahem, Queen Vayne?" A silver lioness lifted her head, "Ah Quetzalli, you're back." The queen sat up straight, "Did you bring back King Kion?"

(Queen Vayne 16, Vayne means, "Merciless" I am this character

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(Queen Vayne 16, Vayne means, "Merciless" I am this character. I wanted to include myself in one of my books for once, so this is me as a lion)

The queen doesn't noramlly have tribal markings.

"Um," Quetzalli looked around. Vayne glared at her, "So you didn't." "Sadly no. Queen Rani ripped my earring out before I could take King Kion. And I know you wanted him for yourself, but I kinda made him kiss me," Quetzalli looked down in shame.

Queen Vayne jumped down to Quetzalli, "Give me your earring." Quetzalli sighed, thinking she was being kicked out of the pride for failing her mission. She handed the silver queen her feather earring.

Vayne clipped Quetzalli's earring back on, "I understand you failed. That is fine. But next time, make sure you don't." Quetzalli nodded.

(Quetzalli with her earring back, and tribal markings)

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(Quetzalli with her earring back, and tribal markings)

"I'll just have to finish your mission," Vayne turned to the pride.

"Listen up!" Vayne yowled. The pride turned their gaze toward her. Vencel and Vidor walked in the hear the meeting.

"Quetzalli has failed her mission," Everyone turned to Quetzalli. She felt her fur grow hot with shame, "So, we are going to the Tree Of Life."

The lionesses cheered. Only a few had ever left the cave because of missions; Most of them had never seen a clear sky.

"What are we going to do there Queen Vayne?" A young lioness asked. Vayne smirked, "I'm going to make King Kion mine. Labiba, has King Kion mated with Queen Rani yet?"

 Labiba, has King Kion mated with Queen Rani yet?"

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(Labiba 17, Labiba means, "Wise, Intelligent")

"From my research I gathered from his mind when Quetzalli hypnotized him, he has never mated with Rani," Labiba answered, "So, by logic, King Kion never technically claimed Queen Rani as his, which means..."

Queen Vayne finished Labiba's sentence, "He is all mine."

"Are you planning on having cubs with him?" Vencel asked. Quetzalli couldn't help but notice there was anger in his voice. "Of course! Once it's the right time though," Vayne answered. Vencel grumbled and walked out.

"What's knotted his tail?" Vayne asked. Labiba, being the smartest in the pride knew exactly what it was, but she decided not to tell Queen Vayne. She didn't want Vencel being kicked out.

"Beats me," Labiba shrugged. Vayne shook her head. Her earring made a ting sound.

"Lionesses, make sure your earrings are on tight. We don't want Queen Rani ripping them out," Vayne growled when she said Rani's name. The lionesses nodded.

"Also," Vayne continued, "If you see any males there, go for them, I don't care, but DON'T take King Kion from me!"

The lionesses nodded. "Alright, lets go get myself a king," Vayne smirked. The Enchanted Pride walked out.

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