Chapter 4: Royal Duties

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The Day Pride is in charge of the exterior of the Tree Of Life. The King and Queen deal with interior matters.

"Ok Rani, so what do we do?" Kion asked. "Well, we make sure everything is in order, and the circle of life is respected," Rani explained.

"Is there any fighting involved?" Kion asked. Rani shook her head. Kion groaned. Rani chuckled, "Don't worry, you get to fight when you're on patrol." Kion's face lit up.

"Ok, Ono told me that there was a mudslide near the fox dens, so we need to go and clean it up," Rani said. Kion nodded. They walked to the east side of the Tree Of Life.

When they arrived, there was indeed a mudslide. "Wow, this is a mess," Rani said. "HELP!" They heard a little squeak. Kion and Rani looked around. "OVER HERE!" They heard the voice again.

Kion saw a underground burrow. The voice was coming from there. "Rani, over there," Kion and Rani approached the burrow. There was a log ontop of it. "Can you help us!" They asked. "Of course," Rani smiled, "Ok, now how to move this log."

Rani didn't notice Kion going on the other side of the log. Kion went under the log, and lifted it. He had to admit, it was heavy, but he could handle it. "Rani, grab them," Kion grunted. Rani looked at Kion.

"Woah how are you lifting that!" She asked shocked. "Saving now, talk later," Kion grunted. Rani nodded. She went to the side, and grabbed a little fox cub and his mother.

"Thank you so much Queen Rani and King Kion," The fox smiled, "But when King Kion lets go of the log, our home will be destroyed!" Rani looked at Kion. Kion walked forward and stepped over the burrow. The log moved with him. Once it was out of range of the burrow, he gently set it down.

"Jeez that was heavy," Kion shook his mane out. "Thank you so much!" The fox mom, and cub ran up to Kion and held onto his legs. "Your welcome," Kion smiled. They let go, and ran into their burrow.

"Good job Kion," Rani smiled. "Not really, I think I permanently damaged my back and neck," Kion replied. "Lay down on your stomach," Rani said. Kion did.

Rani took her paws, and started massaging Kion's neck and back. "Woah, that feels so good!" Kion closed his eyes in relaxation. Rani was now focused on Kion's neck. She pressed hard on it, and heard a crack. "That felt weird," Kion said. "Good. It's working then," Rani went to his back. She took two paws, and pressed hard. Kion's back cracked.

"Feel better?" Rani asked. Kion stood up. "Much better," He smiled. "Ok, now to clear away these sticks and branches," Rani said. Kion nodded. They started pushing the logs away, and picked up the sticks and put them in a pile. "What about the mud?" Rani asked herself.

Kion smirked. He looked for a cloud in the sky. He found one. Kion roared at the cloud, and it rained. The mud washed away. "Wow Kion, once again good job," Rani smiled. Kion smirked.

At the end of the day, Kion and Rani met up with the Day Pride and the Night Pride. "You patrolling with us Rani?" Baliyo asked. "On the days Kion does patrol, I'll do patrol," Rani explained. Baliyo nodded.

"Anything happen?" Kion asked. "Nope, no one intruding, and no one asking for refuge," Fuli replied. "Welp, we better get patroling," Surak said. Baliyo, Nirmala, and Surak walked off.

The Day Pride walked to their dens. Fuli shared one with Azzad. Bunga shared one with Binga, Beshte had one near the swamps, and Ono and Anga had their nests with the birds.

Kion and Rani walked into the tree. Rani hopped on the rock. Kion stretched. As Rani layed down, she watched him. Kion shook out his mane, and hopped on the rock. He layed down. Rani pinned him.

"Pinned ya," she smiled. Kion smirked, "You want to test that?" Rani smiled at him. Kion rolled over, and Rani fell. Kion had her pinned now. Rani giggled. Makini walked in.

"Oh I am so sorry," Makini started walking "No Makini, your fine," Rani chuckled. Kion let her up. Makini faced them. "I just wanted to wish you guys a good night," she smiled. "Thanks Makini, good night to you too," Kion smiled. Makini walked out.

Rani looked at Kion, and tackled him. They rolled off the rock, and Kion had Rani pinned. "You tried and failed," He smirked. Rani giggled. Kion let her up, and hopped on the rock. Rani followed.

They tussled for a few minutes, then got tired. Rani fell asleep on Kion's chest.

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