Chapter 25

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The wolf is still over me. Whoever it is, I don't know. "Go away!" I shout. "Casey. Casey don't get this wolf made it is not a good idea." Kate whispers to me. "Why not? Who is this wolf?" I ask, starting g to regret shouting at it to be gone. "Nobody knows who he really is, he has always been here. But I figured it out. He was the original leader of the Hunters, and he got ruled out. He is Zoe's grandfather." Kate whispers urgently. Oh no, he was the first Hunter, the original villian. This is bad.
I'm going to die. "It's true. He's my grandfather. I can get him to leave us alone.", she says turning to her grandfather "Please, please Papa. Don't do this!" The wolf seems to consider this for a moment, but his consideration is quickly stopped. He falls to the ground, dead in an instant. "PAPA!" Zoe screams. She collapses and begins to silently weep. I lean down to him, and hear no heart beat. He had a heart attack, he is gone for good. "Zoe, I'm so sorry. He had a heart attack. It must of been caused by old age. I'm so sorry." I half whisper to her. She looks up at me, and her face is normal again. She does not seem effected by this anymore. "It's okay, he wasn't much of a grandfather anyways. He didn't want to have a bond with me, or anyone for that matter. It's okay really. Let's go." Zoe gets to her feet, and Kate and I do the same. We start to jog, and my dad is nowhere to be seen. Then I see it.
There is a wolf laying on the ground, dead. But I recognize this wolf.
That wolf is my father. My father is dead.

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