Chapter 12

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As the wolf's first paw becomes visible, Em and I hug one another. "I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" I think to myself.
Now the entire wolf is visible. It's a darkish grey with white streaks. The white streaks are thicker around the eyes. It's the oldest, at least looking, wolf I've seen since I arrived here.
"Come on let's go, the Hunters are coming. They know you're here." he says urgently. I decide to be the one to talk to him first, no matter how much I don't want to. "How do we know we can trust you?" I ask, timidly.
I can feel Em slightly trembling next to me, and I know she can feel me doing the same.
"If you want to live another hour, I suggest you come with me.Now." he replies. Then a thought crosses my mind: is he just a hunter tricking us? Dicieving us? "Are you a hunter?" Em blurts. Huh, she asked him for me.
"No." this man replies. Woah! I didn't even notice that he'd transformed. He must be a pro, because he made no sound. How long has he been like this? Well, when werewolves are in wolf form, they cannot speak. So he's been in human form the entire time we've been conversing!
Anyways, if he's not a hunter, and he's not part of my pack, who is he? So, I ask. "Who are you?" I demand. "Nevermind that, just come with me." he says urgently. He pulls Em's arm, and she grabs mine. At first Em and I stumble, but have soon broken out in a full on sprint to keep up with this mystery werewolf.
We run through the forrest, dodging trees and bushes as we run. I turn to look behind me, and see the forrest vacant. As I turn back, I smack into a branch. I guess I had kept myself moving while I looked behind myself. My back smacks the ground. My forehead catches a branch, and slashes it.
My arms and legs are sprawled out in wierd angles, and I sit up to steady myself out. Em and the stranger help me up, and we duck into another cave. Seriously, where do all of these caves come from? The stranger, I don't know his name yet, puts a rock in front of the opening. "Who are you anyways?" I ask. He looks taken back, and confused by this question. "They call me rocky. I'm a lone wolf. I'm, your um, relative. In a big way." he takes my hamds into his palms, "I'm your father." What?!?!?!

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