Chapter 1

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Today, Friday finally, the last day before Winter Break. Normally I would be so happy that today is the last day before Winter Break.
I hear the bus screech to a stop in front of me, at the curb. But where's Mandy?
As I'm on the last step, and the doors to the bus are beginning to close, I do a quick glance behind myself. Mandy charges full speed at the bus, but is hopeless. She'll never make it.
"Stop!" I yell, maybe a little to loudly. But, the bus driver obeyed me. As the doors reopen, Mandy jumps in. She pushes past me, and goes to the back, as a few snickers erupt from the fellow passengers. I let out a sigh, thank the driver, then follow her to the back.
"What's wrong?" I ask her covering up the fact that that was incrediblelly rude. She didn't even agnowledge the bus driver, let alone thank him. She responds, barely.
"Nothing." Here we go again. I know I should hold it back, but cannot resist. Why would she just think that she owns the place? I'm not overreacting, but if you had seen the hatred look on her face, you'd agree.
"Why'd you just push past the bus driver and me?"
"Fine, I'm not having a great day. I got grounded because I accedentaly broke a vase, my mom's favorite. And now I can't go to my aunt's holiday party tonight. So ya."
And we're off. "I'm sorry okay." And we sat in silence the rest of the way to school. So much for holly jolly holidays! Thanks for kicking it off, Mandy. Eh, well you know what the say "forgive and forget." Besides, we've been friends for as long as I can remember.
As the bus lurches to a stop, the doors slowly open. Looks like we sat in silence the entire time. Normally, we are the most talkative people on the bus. But Mandy really doesn't like getting in trouble. I'm always in trouble, and so are my bunkmates.
Did I mention that I'm an orphan? All of the other girls in "Finding Futures" home for lost girls all have hope that their parents are coming to find them. Not me. Well, kind of. Nobody's ever said that they're gone.
Anyways, Ms.Cinnaca (a hopeless romantic, she's never going to find a man, sorry but it's true) gets mad at us for just about anything. And did I mention that I'm te runt, everyone else is older, taller, or bigger in someway. That pretty much sums up my life. Oh, and cleaning. Always cleaning.
Anyways, as we all hurry out of the bus, and I thank the driver ( no one knows his name ) I slip. I tumble off of the bus and surprisingly land on my feet. It's like I have supernatural powers or something. I've always been this ways. People cheer, even the bus driver, because if I don't say so myself, it was pretty awesome.
Mandy and I walk to class together, first period art. But I feel a sudden tap on my shoulder. Suddenly Mandy and I are being dragged. As I try to sunmerge a scream, I can't get one out because something furry is covering it.
Fear stabs me like a knife, and I don't have a clues as to where we're going. That furry thing blankets my eyes as well. We stop abruptly, and I can just hear Mandy trying to escape somethings clutches.
Yet again, I'm stabbed with a knife of fear as the furry thing lifts and I'm surrounded by wolves. Mandy and I throw ourselves on one another.
" Rise you two. Nothing bad will come of you, if you make the right choice and rise. Now." someone says besode me. I turn to see a man, dressed in mostly black, with cold eyes. As if he's been hurt before. He has hair on his arms, but legs are covered by jeane. And he's barefoot. Who is this guy.
Slowly, Mandy and I rise, seeming not to have another choice. "Good choice, we're off to a good start. Now let me introduce myself," the man with hairy arms says in a tough guy kind of way "I'm Jason. The leader of the pack. You dissobey me, you're finished. These mangy mutts will do whatever I tell them to. And I suggest that you, Casy Angleheart, do the same. Same goes for you friend here." He knows my name!
" How do you know my name?" I say weakly. He kind of freaks me out. I mean come on, did you not just read that "speech" of his. "I do because I'm you're uncle. My full name is Jason Angleheart. So you are partly entitled to be leader to the pack. But don't get to cocky, I have to die first." I was speechless. I could tell that Mandy was to, by the way her mouth hung slightly open, and here eyes stayed glued on Jason. "Well, why do you seem so satisfied with youself,huh? What you have here is a bunch of potty-trained chihuahuas!"
Maybe I shouldn't of said that. I could tell I shouldn't of because his eyes became fierce. "How dare you speak to me like that! Don't you get it? Tomorrow you turn twelve, the day you will transform for the first time. You are one of us now. Deal with it. I'm not going to be you shoulder to cry on, be your own. If you want to fit in, there's one rule: every man for himself."
Wow, talk about a warm welcome! "One of you now? I don't think so!" I reply, anger flooding my body. "Ya, you are! There's no way out now. You're parents are dead. How about your little friend, huh? What's the deal with her? Can she speak for herself?" Jason replies to my anger.
Well, it's a good thing he changed the subject, because I would of started hitting the daylights out of him right about now. I nudge Mandy, wanting her to reply. She replies with a weak "Um, uh, um, ya." Wow. Nice going Mandy.
"Smooth." I whisper to her. She's usually the most talkative person I know. She looks at me and shrugs. "Sorry." she whispers back as if it's no big deal. No big deal! She just embarrased me in front of my uncle! Hhhh.... I'll let it slide, I mean we're both new to this whole werewolf thing.
"See, you speak for her, huh?" my uncle says. I can't help it anymore. He doesn't own me, and there's no reason why he should think so. "What do you expect,huh? We just got dragged here, I find out I actually have family that's alive, and I'm told I'm a werewolf! And you just expect Mandy to sit here and watch it all go down, and not be a little but uncomfortable, scared, and curious. Let alone speechless!" I'm outraged. Maybe I shouldn't act this way around a bunch of werewolves, but whatever. What's done is done.

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