3. F. | Aether | Noble Status ☁

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Request by: @hutaowtfs 

Hope you enjoy Roayal AU Aether. Sorry I typed this before you said you wanted a modern AU- I'll make a modern Aether chapter in the future- Tbh, I wanted to make a mafia Aether chapter but I changed my mind.

Damn, I finished a chapter in one day with no procrastination?? I guess there's a first time for everything-

Damn, I finished a chapter in one day with no procrastination?? I guess there's a first time for everything-

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                      "You there. The prince has summoned you."



You had no idea on why the royal prince would want to meet with you. You were only a low ranking noble. The guard escorts you to the a carriage for the main palace. You ride a carriage to the royal courtyard. It would take only a few minutes and you were nervous. Your family was basically the weakest nobles. Your family didn't have much power through out the kingdoms either. You were panicking but you tried to show no sign of it.

You silently sat in the carriage until you arrived at the courtyard. The guard brings you out of the carriage and leads you to the main palace. You didn't know much about the prince. All you really knew was that he had a twin. You heard some rumors that she was horrifying if you pissed her off. You hoped that her brother wasn't the same.

You were expecting to be lead to the throne room to meet with the prince but the guard leads you somewhere else. He leads you to a hallway where he knocks on a large door. "I've brought her your majesty." The guard says. The prince opens the door. "I didn't ask for anybody to be here-" He stops his sentence and looks at you. The prince brings you into his room with out question and the guard leaves.

After a minute the prince sighs. "Sorry to take your time. I didn't really summon you- but it's fine." You're still a nervous wreck but you manage to speak to him "It's really no problem your majesty.." If he didn't summon me then who did- "Just call me Aether please." You didn't expect for him to open up to you. "Understood." You have a seat by a table.

"Is there anything in particular you'd like to do?" Aether asks. "No. Not really." It was already enough to be within Aether's presence. "When I look at you I can't believe that you'd be considered a low ranking noble." His voice was soft and soothing. "You'd be a high ranking noble." You had given in and you were starting to blush.

"I'm sorry if I said something wrong!" He apologizes. "It's... alright..." You looked away. This Aether wasn't what you expected but you were glad he was like this. He was kind and caring. Not to mention his looks. In your eyes, he was cute and handsome.

"Is there something wrong? You're blushing a lot." Aether was concerned for you. You looked at him and you felt like you were about to faint. "Am I the reason- My apologizes!" Now he was flustered. The two of you were embarrassed. The two of you cover your face with your  hands.


Once the two of you calmed down, you began a conversation and you two were getting along very well. "My mother and father have told me to consider finding a future wife soon." Aether says. "Really? Well, I wish you the best luck on finding a wonderful future wife-"

"I think I want you to be my future wife." You were chock at his response, you began blushing again. "You didn't know much about me and most of the other female nobles talk highly of me while you talk to me like I'm a normal person."

"Well, you were.... So kind towards me. I forgot that you were such a high ranking noble and I started talking to you like you were one of my peers-" Aether slams his hand son the table. "That's what I'm looking for! Someone who will talk to me like no other and won't treat me different from other nobles! There's no one else who would do what you'd do!"

"Do you want to be the next queen?" You didn't know how to respond. Aether was waiting for a answer.  He grabs your hands. "No- Will you be my queen?" You were still processing it. "....... I will-" You didn't fully process that but you still gave Aether a answer.

Aether was surprised you accepted his offer since you didn't seem like you would. He beamed with joy. "Well she's better than a maid." There was someone at the doorway . "L-Lumine! What are you doing here! I thought we wouldn't barge in to each other's room with out knocking!" Lumine stands at the door laughing. "It wouldn't be the same without barging into my brother's room once in a while~"

Aether was embarrassed. You smile at the siblings. Lumine looks at you and smiles. "I heard you're from a family of low ranked nobles. Guess that'll change soon."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that part."  You're family was suffering from their status but that will be gone with this planed marriage.


In the late afternoon you were escorted to a carriage to take you back to your manor. You didn't really want to share your news as soon as you got home. Your parents would share this with your relatives and they would get jealous.

As soon as you got out of the carriage, you noticed that your parents were waiting for you. When you approached them, they were shocked. "What's wrong?" You asked. "The prince... Asked you to be his future bride???" Your mother was surprised and pleased. "I'm so happy for you honey!" She hugs you.

Your father was still in shock. "Our status will be higher now. But that's not that important to me. You are very lucky to be able to marry a kind prince like him." He tells you. The three of you entered the manor. The maids and butlers greeted you. Supper was set and you sat down at the table. Your family congratulated you. Your only sibling, your sister was very happy for you. "Y/n! When's the wedding?" She asked. "I don't know-" 

"We have a letter for you!" A maid gives you a letter and you open it. Dear Y/n, I'd like to thank you for accepting the offer. I would like to inform you that we are now engaged and our wedding will be held in a year. -Aether

You sister leans over to read the letter. "No way- Only a year away?! I can't believe you're getting married before me!" she yelps. "Well, we're prepare for it soon." You thought taking up his offer was enough but you're now engaged to him? Not to mention your wedding in a year- You were not ready for this.

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