F.|Dan Heng| Lost📑

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Requested by: Alyssajj11

 Dan Heng x Genshin impact reader 

Sorry if this is kinda fast paced-

The sun had long set, and the Raiden Shogun sat on the floor, staring into the sky

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The sun had long set, and the Raiden Shogun sat on the floor, staring into the sky. Stars glimmered and shone. Eternity was a beautiful thing. But boredom was far worse than whatever this was.

Her thoughts drifted as she stared into the sky. She felt as she was more than one person. A certain star in the sky caught her attention and in a blink of her eyes....


Where am I?  You wondered. You rubbed your eyes and look at your surroundings. "I see that you're awake now." You hear the sound of a book closing as you lay eyes on a beautiful woman with crimson hair. "Nice to meet you, I'm Himeko." 

You smile and try to think of anything but your memory's hazy. Your mouth refused to open. "It's alright if you don't open up right now." She returned the smile. You nod as your heart skips many beats. You were scared- Somehow.

You glance at a mirror and notice your purple attire and hair. Something in your heart begged for you to not interact with any nearby person.

"The others should be back soon." Himeko gazed out the window. You follow her eyes and join her. You were somewhere floating in space and it made you even more horrified.

You knew you had to stay on where ever you were for a while....


The next few days were.. Okay... You were offered coffee by Himeko but kindly rejected it because you didn't drink coffee. You were bored even after looking everywhere you could on the 'Astral Express'.

You were craving for something sweet but you couldn't leave the express to gather the materials. You were practically drooling at the thought. A sense of sadness came over you every time you thought of something sweet. It was as if you were forgetting your entire past.

You're heart ached every time Himeko or the conductor Pom Pom came up to you. Something was missing but you couldn't put your finger on it. 

You were sitting on your temporary bed, legs crossed. You stared at the walls, wondering how much time you'd spend in this spare room. You gently twisted the ends of your hair. You put your fingers into one of the gap of your braided hair and you slowly un braid it.

Right before you finish, the express shakes for a few seconds before making a strange noise. You finish unbraiding and you take a peek out the door. 

"Oh, you're finally back!" You can hear Himeko's muffled voice behind the door at the end of the hall. You started to feel drowsy so you quickly closed the door and landed on your bed as soon as possible. 

You blacked out for a split second. "Y/n, come and meet the others," Himeko knocks on your door. "C-Coming..." You stuttered. You sighed, taking a quick glance at the mirror, making sure you looked okay.

You didn't feel comfortable meeting new people... Himeko tried to hype you up a bit by telling you things about the other 4. Himeko head ahead and you took a deep breath. You opened the door-

"Oh! You must be Y/n! Miss Himeko told us alllll about you!" A pink haired girl practically jumped Infront of you. "Sorry about that," Himeko puts her hand on the pink haired girl's shoulder. "This one's March,"

"What do you mean by 'This one'?!?!" The 'March' girl yelped. Himeko laughed and turned around, pointing to someone with gray hair. "That's [Trailblazer name]. They joined the Express not long ago." Her finger moved, pointing to a older man with chocolate brown hair. "That's Welt Yang, just call him Welt or Mr. Welt as the others and I do."

You nod. You could barely remember what Himeko said. Your eyes drifted towards a handsome looking man with blue eyes. Himeko notices and almost facepalms herself. "That over there, is Dan Heng." She says.

This Dan Heng was calm, he looked up from the book he was reading and closed it. "Y/n I presume?" His voice was hot too. You thought of it from the respectful perspective for now.. You awkwardly nod.

"I see you're not a social one... Unlike March.." He whispered the last part. You wanted to open your mouth to say something but you just couldn't... Yet.


The next few days on the express weren't as boring. You were bored at first but Dan Heng gave you access to the 'data archives' or what not. You were fascinated by this, looking through as much as your brain could handle. "I do my best to keep this updated and organized." He said. 

"You... Work on this?" You finally asked. He flinched for a moment as it was the first time you spoke with him. "I do most of the time. It almost updates itself but I still have to keep it in check.. Cause no one else is willing to do it."

You continued to flip through the archives. "May I ask..." He began, "Hm?" This piqued your interest by the slightest bit. "What is it do you remember? Himeko told me you couldn't remember a single thing when she found you. Do you remember where you came from?"

You didn't remember that part but you nod. "I'll do everything I can to help you return to your home."

You felt a jolt of pain. You grabbed the closest thing to you with one hand and the other swiftly moved to your forehead. "Are you alright?" Dan Heng moved to your side. "I-I'm fine..." Another jolt greeted you. 

This aching pain wasn't this bad before- How.. Do you even know this? You had no clue. You began to sway. Dan Heng caught you in time and his face was fuzzy and blurry. "Have you been getting enough sleep? How long has it been since you drank water?" Dan Heng started to ask questions, half you couldn't make out.

Rest. Just let me do the work for you. Run away.

Thoughts rushed through your mind. You had no idea what's going on. You tried to push away but you couldn't resist.



"What's going on in here?!" Gasp "Welt!"

"Oh aeons."

"Mr Welt? Dan Heng? Himeko? What's going on over there?"

You had no idea what was going on. 

"Where. Am. I?" You were utterly confused but your mouth opened. "Y/n! Come back to your senses!" Dan Heng calls. Your vision was fuzzy but you could tell they had their weapons out. "W-What's happening?" You ask. "We don't know yet..." Himeko tells you.

"Y-You can put your weapon down! W-We're not going to start a fight... Are we?!" March yelp in a panic. "What weapon?"

"This won't hurt as bad. Heh, maybe it will. Or not. Find out yourself."

You heard someone sigh. Something hit the side of your head. "We need to wrap this up quickly." The voice quickly got muffled. "We can't risk destroying the express somehow."

You fell into someone's arms.

You fell into someone's arms

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Hope this was okay!

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