F. |S[h]ampo[o]| Enough 🌧☁

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Requested by: Genshinaddict123

Canon AU

I'm am so sorry for not seeing your request for like 2 weeks- wuibfisodibvncui

I'm am so sorry for not seeing your request for like 2 weeks- wuibfisodibvncui

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"I'm tired. I'm sick of this world." You didn't know how much longer you could last. You had lost almost everything. You thought seeing the outside world for the first time in years would lift your spirits up by the slightest bit. 

You doubted it yourself and you were right. Seeing everyone so cheerful made you feel worse. You could've been doing other things if it weren't for your losses. If only they hadn't impacted you so much.

You lost half of your family to the fragmentum and the rest to other causes. You were the lone survivor. You had refused to leave Boulder Town ever since your sister had passed. She was only on her way to a Vagrant camp in the Great Mines before she was attacked by monsters.

You walked through the snowy fields that surrounded Belobog. You wore a light coat, and the cold didn't bother you a single bit. You began to hum, knowing Silvermane gaurds wouldn't be able to catch you. They already patrolled the area you were walking on.

You wondered how you'd go out. You were desperate at this point. You wanted a quick and painless death. No matter how you tried to prepare yourself by leaving wounds all around your body, you still feared death.

You always had a weapon on some sort with you. When people asked, you said it was for self defense- that was half true. If you ever felt like it, you leave a small wound on yourself. You were quite fond of this.

"Ah, Y/n, what are you doing here?" You turn around to find the cunning merchant Sampo behind you. "Just out for a walk." You give him a fake smile. Sampo sighed, "That's not gonna cut it. You're here for something else aren't you. I can read you like an open book."

"So, did you actually figure me out or are you just bluffing?" You sneer. "The new scars explain everything." Sampo frowns. "How many times have I told you not to hurt yourself?"

"More than a thousand times! I know, I know." You roll your eyes. "But, there's really no point for me to be here-" Sampo hugs you. "E-Eh?"

"Don't say things like that." Sampo was never like this with anyone. It was quite sudden, and you remained silent. "You're one of my dear customers. I wouldn't let you harm yourself. If you were to move on, I'd loose some profits." He let out an awkward laugh.

You knew Sampo was trying to lighten up the mood. "Mm, you sure would." You look down at the soft snow below your feet. "Take a joke will you?" Sampo sighs. "How do you plan on stopping me from ending my life?" You couldn't help but ask.

"There's not much I can do, but I know for a fact that some people need you." You laugh. "Like who?" You yawned. "I only ran into some people who needed help. It was a pain in the ass to set an act up. I had to say so many lies too. There's no need for them to rely on me when there's hundreds of others who could do the job better."

Sampo was always the only one who kept you in check and did whatever it took to stop your from ending your life until the next time the two of you crossed paths. He'd say things such as this and repeated some lines. He'd keep this cycle going and you wondered when he'd get tired of this.

"You know that isn't true." His hands moved to your shoulders and he staring right into your eyes. Something about this made shivers go down your spine. Before you knew it, tears were forming at the corner of your eyes.

You honestly were the type to help others to cope with pain such as loosing someone. You used to hope that this would help you bring some joy in seeing others smile.. That it'd fill in the empty space in your heart...

"I-" Your tears began to fall down your face. "Oh no!- Did I do something wrong?" Sampo began to panic. "I just... I just wanna see them again..." You began to sob. "Oh, Y/n." Sampo hugged you again. "It wasn't their time to go...."

"Why..... Why did the Underworld have to get sealed off?! If it weren't for that-They... No.. She wouldn't have died! I was so careless!" You shoved your head into Sampo's chest in hopes of muffling your sobs and complaints. "It wasn't your fault."

Does words wouldn't change your mind. You were really stubborn. You did feel some comfort. 

Maybe what you needed wasn't an end to all your suffering. Maybe what you needed was someone who would listen to your sorrows and comfort you.

Enough was enough. You needed to learn how to lean on others a little bit. This, you were grateful for. Sampo was always so kind to you. From the day you met him to now.

This wasn't something you'd forget. All your family passed and it'll take you a while to move on. But is it really enough for you if you just start a new life?

That's for you to find out yourself.

Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm so sorry if the story seemed rushed- Cause it is

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Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm so sorry if the story seemed rushed- Cause it is. I'm not so fond of writing Sampo content or comfort chapters-

Thanks for reading <333

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