F. |Yanqing| Wishes ☁

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Cause why do I keep thinking that the Luofu is Liyue harbor??

Requested by: yiizha

Also for my friend Zoey <333 Thanks for helping be write this <33

Also for my friend Zoey <333 Thanks for helping be write this <33

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You watched as your lieutenant practices swinging his sword. "Y/n, are you going to practice?" He asks, "Sorry, I had my turn in the morning." you shake your head. Yanqing frowns at the comment, "Will you at least spare with me?" He asks. It pains you to do so but you turn down your offer.

"I feel really tired right now, Yanqing. I can make it up to you by doing anything outside of exercises. As for anything. I'll make up the other times I couldn't practice with you too." 

"Aww, that's a shame.." He pouts, putting his sword in it's sheath. "Hmm," He begins to think about what he wanted from you. "Can.. Can I ask for 2 things?" His sweet yet soft innocent smiles gets you every time. "Nope, but you can ask for 3."

"3 wishes..." He points to his cheek and giggles, "Kiss me!~" You laugh, hoping he's not dead serious. "What are you waiting for?" You stopped breathing for a moment. You approach him and give him a hug instead, "My dear lieutenant wants me to kiss him? What an honor as a dear friend~"

You quickly peck his cheek. "Mwah~ Is that good enough." Yanqing blushed. "I- I didn't know you'd actually do it!" He laughs and you join him. "Does this make us more than friends?" You ask, "Mhm, best friends~" Yanqing says, jokingly.

Yanqing and you were like this most of the time. The two of you were in perfect sync and nothing could stop the two of you from having fun with each other. "Damn, you're really warmmmm~" You hug Yanqing tighter. "You are too- Ow~! Ow! Too- Tight..." He pats your shoulder.

You quickly let go and apologize, "Sorry," You tell him. "Brrrr, it's starting to get cold." Yanqing shivers. "Let's go inside, you could use a break." You grab Yanqing's soft hand and drag him into a nearby building. The two of you have a seat in the warm room. "Ahh~ That's much better~" You felt warmer already. 

"I've decided my second request, hang out with me tomorrow, I'll be free and I'll be bored. That's a fact." Yanqing proudly says. "Sure, do you know your third one yet?" You ask. Yanqing shakes his head, "Nope, not yet... But, I have an idea." He winks.

"Alright, I have to get going now. It's getting late." You get up and head to the door, "See you tomorrow!"


You were excited for today as it may be the best day of your life. You adjusted some loose hair and gave yourself a good look one more time. You check Yanqing's message to make sure the meetup location was right.

On the way out, see you then! You text him. You run out of your door. You soon find yourself slowing down, struggling to find the location. Yanqing, I can't find the location!!! You text him. Aww man, now we're both lost! Yanqing replies. You laugh at the text.

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