19. F |Zhongli| Regrets🌧

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Requested by: aaaaajiydyud

Hope this was to your satisfaction <33 I don't write angst often so yeah- 

Hope this was to your satisfaction <33 I don't write angst often so yeah- 

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"How are you doing Morax?" You ask the god. "I'm doing just fine." He responds. You smile, "So, how are your people doing?" You throw another question. "I don't think they'll need my assistance in a few thousand years." He chuckles. "They've grown independent- Very much similar to you, Y/n."

"Hehe~ I guess I influenced you and your people." You cupped your chin. "This is for better or for worse. I wish for the people of Liyue to find a way to live without a god to worship. Once the day comes, I shall fake my death and reside with the citizens. They shouldn't suspect a thing- I'll of course change forms and names."

"I feel like you're going to change you appearance so much even Guizhong and I won't be able to recognize you!" You chuckle. "I'd like to tell you that I plan on traveling Tyvat for a small vacation." You stare at the orange sky.

"Why is that?" Zhongli asks. You softly smile. "There's so many things outside I don't know. I'd like to learn them while I can. That knowledge can be very helpful." You sigh, "And that's why i plan on starting my journey to Inazuma in 2 days."

Zhongli remained silent, waiting for you to continue. You stared at Guizhong and Streetward Rambler, who were arguing on something. "I'd like to say my goodbyes." You softly chuckle, "After all, the rest of the world knows me as dead. I do know this is a risky move." You stare at the half filled teacup.

"I respect your wishes." Zhongli says, sipping his tea. "I wish you a wonderful journey, Y/n." He smiles, "If you ever need me, I hope you know where to find me. You are the goddess of [thing of choice] after all."


You knew Zhongli loved Guizhong even if he didn't show it. You never had a chance. You sailed a ship to Inazuma to learn about the Yokai and other things that may be useful. You stayed for about 5 years before heading off to Sumeru.

You kept your name Y/n. You thought it had a nice ring to it. You 'died' about 30 years ago so It's be fine. No one would recognize you- besides a handful of gods hopefully....

During your few year stay, ------------ The god of Dendro had recognized you. She was kind and acknowledged your choices. She didn't speak a word to anyone about you.

The rest of your journey was decently... Painful. You had began to miss Liyue but you managed to convince yourself to continue on. That was... Until the the Archon war began. All the gods fought to rule over one of the seven nations. It was a nightmare. God remains were everywhere. That was before the war was finally over and only 8 remained. 

You avoided the god remains as best as you could. You stayed in the mountains of Liyue, where it felt like home. You rested until the Archon war had finished. You were glad Morax had one- But it costed many things... Guizhong was one of them.

Morax had dearly loved Guizhong. The two were quite close. You were just often with them. "I have many regrets. I'd like to forget them all."



Liyue harbor was cheerful as usual. "Y/n! Y/n!" Hu Tao called. "Yes?" You turn to face her. "You're half a half Adeputs like Ganyu right?" You nod, "I believe so."

"Can you summon the conquer of demons?! I would loveeeee to know where those he killed were! If I can contact their relatives- I can get a lot of mora- I'll of course, pay you a certain amount." You sighed and shake your head. "I don't think I can do that."

Your rub your neck. "If you can excuse me, I must get back to work!" You begin to run off. As you run off to work, you notice a familiar man exiting the Whangsheng funeral parlor. You couldn't put your finger on it, but gave off the vibes that you knew him at some point.

He noticed you and gave you a friendly smile. You clutched your notebooks at your side and continued to the Jade Chamber.

You never understood on why you had these notebooks but you made replicas. "Lady Keqing," You began after seeing her. "Yes?" You hand her a notebook. "I managed to find more." Keqing smiles, "Good job, Y/n. This will be quite useful. What's this one about."

"Medicine. I was going to stop by Bubu pharmacy in a bit to show Baizhu." You take the book back and flip through some pages so she could find what she needed. "There are some things that can kill gods. Certain medications are part of it."

Keqing frowns. "Well, we must hide these papers then. We don't want a whole rebellion against the gods to start." She takes the book back. "I'll see if there's anymore information." You bow before heading back to the harbor.

You're on the way to your house to take a look at another notebook. You soon spot the man from earlier. His eyes widen when he looks at you. "Impossible..." He mutters. "Is there.. Something wrong sir?"

"Y/n?" You flinch, "You know my name?" The two of you haven't laid eyes on each other before.. Or so you thought.  He gently shakes his head, "I'm sorry, I mistook you for someone."

Zhongli had known that he wasn't mistaken. The Dendro Archon erased your memory. She couldn't bare to have forgotten a dear friend. She had informed Zhongli. Oh how much you reminded Zhongli of the past.... And in some way, you resembled Guizhong.

He looked in your eyes and it confirmed that what the Dendro Archon had told him was true. The past Y/n would've come to him as soon as possible, in tears, afraid, and sorry.

As you went off, Zhongli smiled. You had become a different person. If only he could go back and help you. Maybe the two of you would be different. After all, Guizhong may have been a love interest, but it was really you who he loved.


The two of you continued to go on your separate paths. You were more than happy with your life. Zhongli respected that and wouldn't go into your life until you were ready. Things would've been so different if the two of you made a few different small choices. 

Maybe then, the two of you would be truly happy. With little to no regrets.

 With little to no regrets

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The struggle was real. 👍

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