F. |Jing Yuan| Stormy Nights ☁

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I for real give up on the labeling these chapters with numbers- I'll only do it for the Genshin oneshots I guess.

I for real give up on the labeling these chapters with numbers- I'll only do it for the Genshin oneshots I guess

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The sun had long set and the night became cloudy. You quickly make your way back to your house. You were barely half there when you felt a rain drop on your cheek. "It shouldn't be storming tonight...." You mutter, picking up the pace.

Within a 30 seconds, it was beginning to pour.  You could hear the sound of thunder from afar, causing you to jolt. You turned right and ran as fast as you could. I hope he's still there.. You're now soaking wet. You were never a fan of stormy nights. 

You finally came to a stop. You had arrived at Jing Yuan's current residence. You panted as you knocked on the door. "A-are you in there, General?" You ask, voice shaking. "Hm, you may come in." You swiftly opened the door and shut it as soon as you step foot into the room. 

Thunder roared. You jump onto the General, holding onto him for dear life. You closed your eyes as you felt his warmth. "I figured it was you Y/n." He stroked your head. You didn't care if you got him wet. You hugged Jing Yuan very tightly. He patted your back.

"It's not going to hurt you." His silky voice assured you. "Seems like you couldn't make it back to your place." You nod. "What makes you so afraid of storms, darling?" He asks. You stay silent. "I know you don't have good memories of storms, I hope you don't mind me asking."

You whimper after hearing the thunder roar once more. "It's... Always lonely." You mutter. Jing Yuan smirks, "That's not the only reason is it?" 

"They always fought during stormy nights back then... They always hoped that I wouldn't hear.." It pained you to remember your parents faces. After a few years, Jing Yuan found you and took you in. "Look at me," Jing Yuan tells you.

You look at his beautiful and stunning face. Your face was warm enough as it was- Jing Yuan pushes away your bangs from your face and he proceeds to kiss your forehead. Your face flushed red, causing Jing Yuan to chuckles. "You're quite adorable. It makes me really want to...." The last part of his sentence was cut off by thunder. You flinched and covered your face by shoving it in his chest.

"D-don't tease me like that!" You pout. "Go into the other room to dry yourself off." Jing Yuan orders.  You lift your head and look at him once more, "Thank you." You get up and head to a nearby room to dry yourself off.

Jing Yuan was always there for you for as long as you could remember. Jing Yuan never minded your presence and you were so ever grateful for that. You dried yourself as much as you could with the towels and return to Jing Yuan's room. You still could hear the rain pour yet it hasn't thundered in a while.

You sit beside him and glance at the papers on the table. "Good, you're done." He makes eye contact with you. "Seems like it won't be thundering anytime soon. Shall I walk you home?" He asks. "No need," You answer. "I would actually like to stay for a while longer.."

"How about a game of chess?" He asks. "That sounds nice." You smile. Jing Yuan quickly sets the game up for the two of you. The two of you play a few games while waiting for the rain to slow down. "That's check." A soft smile spreads across his face. "Awww. I thought I was going to win this round." You pout.

"Maybe you'll win next time." he chuckles, his face smug as always. "That's what you always say!" 

"Come on, it's getting late Y/n. I'll walk you home before the rain comes back." Jing yuan gets up. You join him and walk out the door. 

The two of you chat on the way to your house. The sky was gray instead of the pitch black it usually was. It stared to sprinkle. "I hope my sudden visit didn't bother you, General." You say. "I find no problem in that. Feel free to visit me anytime you'd like."

"I'm truly grateful for you." You give him a smile. "I'm forever in your debt. If there's anything I can help with or do for you. I would do it without a second thought."

"Even if I were to ask for you to sleep with me?" He says as a joke. You blushed. "I-I would have to think deeply about that." You turned away as the general laughed. "I'm only kidding.. Unless you're really up for it." he smirks.

The two of you stop at your front door. "Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow- or whenever we bump into each other." You tell him. "Before you go in," You turn around. "I'd like to do something."

He smiles as he lifts your chin and kisses your lips. After what felt like a wonderful eternity, your lips parted and you blushed as you backed to your door. "You should take a look at yourself."

You put a hand on your lips. The image was engraved into your mind. You felt slightly embarrassed yet you still yearned for more. "I know you want more sweetheart~" he teases you. "You know where to find me." He pecks your lips before leaving.

You unlocked your door then quickly shut it before dropping to the ground in a blushing mess. "How did I get here..." You muttered.



Yanqing was passing through the hall when he heard a door slam open before slamming shut. he knew it came from the General's room so he rushed there as quiet as he could. He pressed his ear against the wall in hopes that he could hear something.

"I figured it was you, Y/n." He heard the General speak.  Yanqing could hear a soft thud. He almost opened the door but he feared the general would give him extra training the next morning. He covered his mouth and continued to listen.

After a few minutes the General ordered the girl into another room. After she got back it was only then that Yanqing realized that the general softened up to this girl- or woman. He wasn't so kind to any other person- even his favorite members of the cloud knights.

Yanqing walked down the hallway to his room, still processing the information. "Never again am I snooping around." He muttered to himself. 

He flops onto his bed and shoves his head into his pillow. "I knew he had a favorite!"

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