12. F. |Cyno| Win-Win 💦

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No one requested it but- Spicy stuff {I think- Or kind of like smut?? I don't know. My friend made me read smut..... >:(((  }

Mafia Au or something. 

"Is there something you need boss?" You open the door after knocking

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"Is there something you need boss?" You open the door after knocking. You find your boss Cyno sitting at his desk, staring out the window. "Oh? Good. You're here." He locks eyes with you. You felt a shiver down your spine. You had a slight fear of Cyno but you couldn't figure out why.

You kind of hated that he called you after a mission. You had a tight dress that was fairly uncomfortable. You had only just finished submitting your report to your superior. You were already preparing for your next one before Cyno summoned you.

You locked the door behind you as Cyno preferred the door lock. You walked to his desk. "So, what is it that you have to tell me?" You stand in front of Cyno. "Come here." You walk behind the desk and stand next to him. He smirks before grabbing your waist and setting you down in his lap.

"Eh?!" You were shocked and flustered. "Don't get flustered on me now sweetheart." You look into his eyes. S-Sweetheart??  Cyno shifts you so you could face him. He had a smug look. "You do such good work..." He puts his hand on your thigh. "Be mine would you?"

Holy shit- You thought. Your aim was always on point when you used a gun and you mostly did better work on your colleagues. He was getting too close for comfort. "Take your time. If you say no, you might change your mind in a bit." He smirks.

He presses his lip onto yours while moving his hand up your thigh. You moan into the kiss. You were enjoying this more than you wanted. "Good girl." Cyno smiles as your lips break contact. You wrap your arms around Cyno's neck and lean in for another kiss.

Cyno bites your tongue which makes you moan more for him. You were getting more horny by the second. Cyno makes sure to explore every part of your mouth as he constantly played with your tongue.

He pins you onto his desk. "You look so beautiful." He tells you. You pant. "Fuck...." You could barely get any words out of your mouth. "Fuck me please daddy~" It finally slipped out- as a moan.... Cyno smiles. "Horny or greedy? Maybe both. I'll give you a second to calm down before I start."

"I'll try to hold back but I can't promise anything."

{I can't do this anymore.. I don't want to type full on smut- I don't want to be one of those fanfic writers...}


You wake up in Cyno's bed. You're throat was sore and your legs were numb. You were caught up in the moment and you enjoyed it more than you wanted. You had hickeys and bruisers all over you're body. The sun had barely risen and the light partly shined fron the curtains.

"Good to know that you're awake." You turn around and see Cyno on his side. "I hope that wasn't too much for you." You try to respond but only a whisper comes out. "My bad. I guess that was a bit too much for you." You nod.

"So, do you need anything darling?" Cyno asked. Darling..... You were blushing once more. Cyno notices this and begins to tease you. "What's wrong babe? You can tell me." You cover your face with your hands. As far as you knew, the night before was only a one night stand.

"Stop teasing me." You whisper. Cyno chuckles, "Alright."

It was only then that you realized that you were a virgin before last night. That may have been the reason why it... Felt so good.

You didn't care how long this would last. Forever or until Cyno got bored of you. You didn't care. You were already happy. "I love you." You whisper in his ear. Cyno smiles. "I love you too." He gives you a kiss. You kissed him back a bit more aggressively. You craved for his touch.

You knew you didn't have much time. In only a few days you had a deadly mission. Only the top members could participate. You might as well enjoy yourself before that happens. This was a win-win as far as you knew. You got be railed and fucked by Cyno who was the hottest person in the mafia group and Cyno gets someone to toy with for now.


|Meanwhile: In the hallway|

A top member was about to report to Cyno's office as he had some news regarding a few missions. As he passed Cyno's bedroom, he heard loud moans which disturbs him. "He could've done this at night- Oh shit. Don't tell me they're so fucking horny..." He sighs. "They're making me feel so single. I think I should resign soon-"

"Hey~ You done with those reports yet?" A girl approaches the man. He shakes his head. "Let's say he's doing some business. We can talk somewhere else." Once the girl heard the moans, she knew what was going on. "I see." Her tone changed.

"I swear that this shit always happens in the morning. People are fucking each other everyday." The girl complains. The man sighs. "I know right? Are they the most horny at 6 A.M when half of us are awake?"

The girl nods. "We don't get paid for dealing with this as well. We should complain sometime."

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