F. |Blade| Truly Mine🔞 [Mind Games pt. 2]

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Part 2 requested by: XxLittleMeowMeowxX and Genshinaddict123

I hope this is ok cause- I needed some filler.

I hopes bloodshed's nice. I'm going into detail. Leave if you're uncomfortable.

Hear me out, future blade fluff chapter?? [if you want it, put it on the star rail request page]

Featuring: Raw sex, sex toys??, fingering, and idk.

Blade practically kept you locked up in your home for the entire day

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Blade practically kept you locked up in your home for the entire day. He of course left for a few hours but you knew he could figure out you went outside. You spent a lot of the day trying to cover up the marks all over your body- Just in case someone gave you a sudden visit. That was so worth it.

Someone knocks on your door, "Coming!" You call, putting your makeup brush down on the counter. You open the door to greet the person before your eyes were covered and you were being dragged. "H-Hey!! Let go of me!" You yelled. The mysterious person covers your mouth to keep you quiet.

You try to kick and hit them before they tie you up. This was going to be such a pain in the ass.

It felt like an entirety before whoever took you arrived at the designated location. They finally took the item covering your face. You were disappointed to find a random ass person you didn't know. You were kind of hoping for Blade. 

The man snickered. "Got ourselves a cute chick." You rolled your eyes. You'd kick his shin or balls but you were tied up. "-And one with attitude." He clicks his tongue. His colleagues laugh with him. You were kind of surprised to not to see any other captives.

A loud noise can be heard nearby. You turn yourself around to find the door had broken down. There's a lot of dust but you can barely make out the figure. Once the dust clears, it turns out it's exactly who you expected. Blade. He somehow found you. You didn't know his methods and you didn't want to know them either.

Blade really pissed right now. The people who held you captive were screaming and trying to flee. Before you knew it, blood was spilling everywhere, followed by even more screams that soon got silent. "I kind of thought you'd come for me." You say. 

Blade didn't bare to look at you for a single second. He cut off many heads, but he left a few alone. "So, tell me. Why did you decide to take her?" He asks, pointing his bloody blade at you. They took more than a few seconds to process. He stabbed the man's stomach, making him scream for his life.

Blade showed him no mercy. He slowly twisted his blade around the wound. You could see a few organs. The screaming stopped and the other 3 left begged for their lives. "That's not going to happen."

Blade slowly cut one man's limbs. One by one. It was kind of painful to watch, but it felt like Blade wanted you to watch the sight. Tears flowed down the man's eyes after both his legs got cut off. He desperately tried to stop the bleeding with his arms- before then got cut off. He screamed painfully loud. 

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