F.| Yanqing | Just For You

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Requested by: dreaming_kitsune

Sorry if this was short. This was lowkey kinda rushed. Motivation was low but I did work on it didn't I?

 Motivation was low but I did work on it didn't I?

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It was a fucking miracle. How in the world did I make it into the Cloud Knight as a Cloud Knight in training...

You tried to hide from training one way or another. You tried anything you could think of. You tried to make your presence small enough so not many noticed you. It was by pure luck you made it onto the Cloud Knights.

You barely knew how to swing a sword, just why did you make it on? For the cherry in top, you were went to the headquarters to train because the regular training grounds were closer to dangerous places where the actual knight could reach.

"Get back here!" Someone called out, you thought you were caught and you decided to run. The only thing good you had was your speed and a good endurance so you sprinted as fast as you could.

Bumping into someone was no struggle. You barely missed bumping into people until you actually came to a halt and bumped into someone.

"Eeep! I'm sosososososososo sorry!" You bowed and apologized. You were going to continue sprinting, but you felt like a few seconds of rest was more worth it.

"Ah, It's fine. Are you okay?" You looked up. Then, in that very moment, you saw the cutest boy you've ever seen. His silky blonde hair and his charming golden eyes. You were barely able to say, "I'm.. Fine."

Your heart was beating really fast. Was it love at first sight? Or were you just in delusion and just tired. "You're pretty red right now..." Caught. "And you were running pretty fast... What were you doing?" He asked.

"I-" You couldn't get another word out. "Ah, forget it." He slowly rolls his neck. "Wanna train with me?" He asks. "Sure-" You stopped, remembering why you were running.

"Sounds good! I've been dying to find someone new to train with- You a newbie?" You nod. "Even better! I can train with you and then I can teach you a few things to improve yourself. Then I'll leave you alone for a bit then spar with you again to see how much you improved!" He was really excited.

The boy then took your arm and started sprinting down the halls, just like you were a few moments ago.


the boy had dragged you to a private training ground- which it probably was since it was really empty.

"Oh yeah, the name's Yanqing!" He smiles, holding out his hand. You grab his hand and gently shake it. "Y/n." You awkwardly smile. "That's a really pretty name!" His eyes beamed.

You blushed a little, slightly embarrassed. "How good are you with a sword?" the question hit. "Erm... I'm not so good with it... I got here by pure luck.." You admitted. Yanqing laughs.

"That's no problem! I'll train you into one of the best knights here!- And you best join my unit." He had a cute smug smile. "Ahahaha.. Here's the thing... It wasn't my intention to join.. And I honestly don't want to be here." You whispered.

"I- No worries. How about this, I train you for a bit and then you decide if you want to officially leave or stay here for a while longer." The deal didn't seem that bad..

You decided to take Yanqing's little offer and made your way to the empty center. "Catch!" You barely caught the wooden sword he threw at you, which barely hit you.

"Nice catch, Y/n!" Yanqing smiles, heading your way with a wooden sword in hand. You were ready to spar- Or so you thought. After a brief second, Yanqing charges straight at you. You nearly managed to dodge and almost got hit. He went in for another quick attack and you dodged once more.

You tried to hit Yanqing, but you had a lot more to improve on. You couldn't help but smile a little. This wasn't that bad and it was kinda fun.

You and Yanqing spared for a bit longer, until you eventually got tired. "That was pretty fun! You weren't half bad for someone with little experience with the sword." You blushed a little at the complement.

Yanqing smiles. "If you decide to stay, I want you to be under me!" It didn't sound like a half bad idea.. He was probably the only person you liked at the HQ. "Sounds fine."

"Now, that I've seen how you work.. I can try my best to help you." Yanqing says with a smile. He begins to give you some advice on how you could improve. You were more of a visual learner so his instructions didn't really stick with you.

You groaned a bit, not really understanding the instructions. You were tired. Yanqing notices this and stands beside you. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and then adjusts himself so he can hold your hand and guide you.

"Okay, so.." You zoned out pretty fast. Nothing like this ever happened to you. What a fever dream. Yanqing moves his hand to move yours, guiding you to relax a bit.

Your muscles relaxed a bit as you got the hang of it. "I have a secret tip. If you bend a bit sideways here.... It'll make your strike a bit more accurate." You were still confused, but you got the point.

After such a long lecture, you finally got to rest. You about to fall asleep. Yanqing taps a cold bottle of water on your cheek, making you flinch and wake up. You take the water and drink it. 

"So.. Did I change your mind about leaving yet?" You already knew he'd ask this sooner or later. "Maybe. I'll need more time to think about it." He already convinced you, just needed another push.

"Okay! Sounds good. Come back here same time- Well maybe 2 hours past noon? I might be late though..." You smile. "No worries. I'll wait and practice a bit."

"Really? I hope you don't have to wait long.. It'll be very awkward.." He awkwardly glanced away. "It's fine." Just for you, I'll bear with it. for a minute or hour. Any is fine..

 He ruffles your hair. You chuckle as he does. "Bawhh, you're soo adorable!" You blush at another complement. You pout and puff your cheeks a bit. You then pinch his cheeks, they were squishy and soft. He was still a baby at this point.

You were willing to suffer for a bit longer. Maybe it'd be more fun later on.. Just for him. You thought once more. Just for you. I'll do it.

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