Late night talks (Xavier)

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My thought's were restless as I tossed and turned in bed. I wasn't sure what time it was but I couldn't sleep. I looked over at the clock. 2:37 a.m. Fuck. With a sigh I got out of bed and threw on my hoodie. I pulled my combat boots on and quietly made my way out to the garden. As I grew closer I saw a figure already outside, standing near the fountain in the center. 

"Oh, sorry I didn't know anyone was out here. Just wanted to clear my head." I said, ready to turn around and head back inside. The figure turned around and I saw it was Xavier. We had never got along since the day I first arrived at Nevermore. 

"Nah you're good y/n. Stay and talk for a bit?" Xavier responded, a small smile on his lips. The truth was, I had a huge crush on him. The problem was, he avoided me since the first day we talked to each other. He hated me from day 1, but I've never been able to get over him. 

" Sooo how are you liking Nevermore?" He asked, trying to start a conversation between us. 

"You avoid me for months and now you wanna be nice suddenly?"

"Fair enough. I'm sorry."

"Why do you hate me?" I questioned, a lump forming in my throat. I was about to cry in front of my crush over something so stupid. 

"Y/n...I don't hate you. Quite the opposite actually." 

"But you dont ever talk to me-"

"Because you drive me insane! You're constantly on my mind, have been from the first time I ever saw you walking in the halls with your friends. These feelings scare me, they're confusing. I want you so bad, I need you." Xavier responded as he turned to face me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I hesitated for a moment before bringing my face closer to his. 

"Xavier I-" Before I could finish my sentence he had closed the gap between us. His lips interlocked with mine felt like heaven. A drug. He kissed me hungrily, our lips moving in sync for a while until we pulled apart gasping for air. 

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He said, resting his forehead against mine. I looked up at him and kissed him again. 

"You should've done it earlier. " I said while giggling. Just then a flashlight was shone right at us followed by the voice belonging to Mrs Thornhill. 

"Y/n? Xavier? What are you two doing out here!? Get back to your dorms before you get in trouble you guys." She said a small smile making her way onto her face. I laughed.

"Busted." Xavier replied with a smile before kissing me once again and heading inside. I went back to sleep easily that night, with a smile placed on my face permanently. 

486 words

Hope you guys liked this first one, I know it's kinda short hopefully the next ones will be longer. Please vote if you enjoyed this story and I'll hopefully be gettting out more soon! Please make sure you eat food, drink water, and get some sleep. Love you my little chicken nuggets <3

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