Saviors (Xavier, Enid)

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PLEASE READ VERY IMPORTANT!!! TW! This includes mentions of self harm, suicidal thoughts, and an ED. Contains lots of mentions of blood and such so just be careful and if you need to skip this story I wont be offended as this is a really serious problem. This is a serious problem that I struggle with and if you struggle with it I'm always here if you need to talk.  This is more of a platonic imagine. Now onto the story. 

Soft sobs escaped my mouth as the warm crimson blood dripped down my arms and into the sink in front of me. Fresh cuts littered my forearms. I grimaced as I reached for the bandages. Wincing, I wrapped them tightly around the cuts and washed the blood down the drain. The faucet dripped a few times before coming to a stop. The sink was now cleansed of all the previous red liquid. You couldn't tell that there had been blood in the sink at all. With a sigh I splashed water on my face, and pulled down my hoodie sleeves. No one had to know...

Unfortunately Enid and Xavier, her two closest friends, had started to notice that something was wrong. Y/n's eyes were red every morning, along with bags under her eyes that had bags of their own. She only ever wore a hoodie when she didn't have to be in uniform, and her arms were always covered. Y/n rarely spoke anymore and was almost always shaking. Wether it was her hands or legs, she shook. 

The three were all sitting together at supper, talking like usual. Y/n hadn't touched her food and Enid had noticed. She didn't question it, but made sure to slightly nudge her friend to eat something. A loud crack of thunder sounded, bringing Y/n out of her trance as she stood up and threw out her tray of food, still untouched. Enid and Xavier followed her back to her dorm. They watched as she walked inside, and closed the door behind her. Being as quiet as possible they opened the door and went inside. Y/n was nowhere to be seen. They called her name as they looked around the room. Bloodied bandages were sitting in the trash can, several bottle of Tylenol sitting unopened on her desk. Xavier and Enid both began to feel panic arising. A gust of wind blew and they heard the window creak. Xavier ran over and caught site of y/n outside. 

"Y/N! Stop!" He screeched, pushing open the window and struggling to get his body through, followed quite quickly by Enid. Y/n's head shot to the direction of the voice belonging to her best friend. Xavier and Enid were struggling to get through the window completely, both worried sick for their friend on the other side of the railing. The rain was cold, and made everything slippery. As Xavier finally managed to get through the window and onto the balcony, Y/n's hand slipped. She held onto the slippery railing with just one hand, but it was cold and it started to hurt. Xavier was reaching for her hand but she couldn't find the strength to reach up to him. Suddenly a strong force pulled her upwards. Tears and rain clouded her vision, but she made out two figures pulling her up. She was cold, frightened, tired, guilty, and also a tad bit grateful that her friends had saved her. 

" Y/n can you hear me?" Enid asked, the worry evident in her voice. The girl slightly nodded as Xavier lifted up her frail body and carried her into her dorm. Laying her on the bed, he sent Enid away to get soup, hot chocolate, anything warm she could find. Y/n was still shivering as she weakly grabbed at the blankets. Xavier noticed and grabbed as many blankets as possible, wrapping them around the shaking girl. However, it didn't stop her shivering completely. He wrestled with himself before climbing next to the girl and wrapping her in his arms. 

When Enid returned, the two were asleep next to each other. Y/n looked peaceful and happy for the first time in a while. Enid put down the soup and grabbed her own blanket before cuddling up on the other side of y/n and falling asleep knowing y/n was safe.

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If you ever need to talk message me, i'm always here to listen! I love all of you so much and appreciate everyone of you! 

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