Make up and make out (Enid pt.2)

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Hey so this is the part 2 of Unfortunate events. I promise it has a happy ending this time :)


Blinking slowly I tried to remember something. Anything. My eyesight was still rather blurry but I started to make out a few objects around the room. A vase, filled with flowers. A chair with marks that indicated someone had been there for a long time.  A monitor, creating the constant beeping noise, and an iv hooked up to my arm. I tried to sit up but was met with an unbearable amount of pain. I started freaking out a bit, my breathing speeding up and tears blurred my eyes. I felt a hand press against my body pushing me back down, and a soft feminine voice telling me to breathe. I looked over to my side to see Enid frantically trying to calm me down. Once I saw her face my breathing became steadier, and i wiped my eyes while looking away from her. 

"Y/n are you okay? How are you feeling? I'm so sorry-" she began but I interrupted her.

"Enid I'm.... Fine." I said, pausing to inhale sharply from the pain. 

"You're not fine! Do you need anything, Advil, water, food, anything?" She questioned about to stand up. I weakly put my hand on her arm to stop her. 

"A hug would be nice..." I said quietly. For a moment there was silence and I thought she hadn't heard me. Then I felt warm arms wrapped around my waist, and soft hair in the crook of my neck. I excepted the hug happily, and felt no pain for a few moments. 

"Y/n I'm so sorry about everything! For leaving you there in the woods, and for ignoring you at school. Xavier told me everything, about how you felt and honestly I feel the same. I was just scared that my mother wouldn't approve of my relationship with you so I dated ajax. We ended up breaking up and everything but-" She rambled before I interrupted her with a laugh. 

"Enid it's okay I promise." I said smiling. She sat up, now next to me on the hospital bed. I didn't realize what we were doing until our noses were almost touching. "May I?" I asked and when she nodded I connected our lips. They fit together like puzzle pieces. My stomach erupted with butterflies and I smiled into the kiss. She softly rested her hands on my lips as she tried to get as close to me as she could, and i let out a gasp. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, and it explored every bit of my mouth as it could. Until she accidentally put her hand on my chest and I let out a wince of pain. 

"Ow." I said but giggled slightly as I realized what had just happened. I brought her in for a hug and we stayed that way until we both fell asleep. 

492 words

I dont mind this one but I felt like it was really rushed ngl. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and if you have any requests and ideas please lemme know so I can get started. Love you my little chicken nuggets<3

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