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It was the week of the Rave'N dance and I had no intention of going. Enid had tried to convince me to go with her as friends but every time I denied. I didn't have a date so frankly what was the point? Besides, its usually just spiked punch, and teenagers making out while the teachers pretend to do something. I sighed as I sat down at a bench beside Enid and her friends. Xavier, Wednesday, Yoko, and of course, Ajax. There was no denying that I had feelings for the cute and quite clueless boy. 

"What's wrong Y/n?" Enid questioned, her attention now fully on me. I thumped my head on the table while groaning. 

"Still no date for tomorrow huh?" Xavier questioned while laughing. I groaned again, this time for longer. He laughed again. 

"Wait y/n you don't have a date?" Ajax questioned like the clueless child he was. I sat up and nodded. He smiled and then brought out his phone. I rested my head on my hand and listened to Enid and Wednesday's conversation. Just then my phone dinged, and me being the curious little shit that I am, I pulled it out to check. 

'Hey can we talk tonight?My dorm, 10p.m' 

'Ya for sure! What about tho?'

'You'll see ;)'

I put my phone away and zoned back into the conversation, now deciding to add in a comment or two of my own.

time skip brought to you by my CHONKY baby cat :)

It was getting close to 10 and I decided to start getting ready to go. My roommate was in her best friends dorm for a girls night before the dance. I put on a hoodie over top of my pj's and threw on some runners before sneaking out of the girls dorms and into the guys. I spotted his dorm and was about to knock when Xavier came out of his dorm and spotted me. 


"Xavier, sorry I didn't realize this was the boys dorm, I was sleep walking and I guess i'm still tired-" I started, desperately trying to explain myself.

"Don't worry, I helped him get it all set up for you. He's inside waiting. Go. good luck ;)" He said and side hugged me before walking away. Taking a deep breath I walked into his dorm and potted Ajax standing in the middle of it waiting with a smile.

407 words

Okay so I'm gonna make a part two of this, I just needed to get something else out so here ya go and uhm I'm working on other parts so hopefully I'll get that stuff out soon as well. Love you guys and if u have any requests for me please lemme know! Also if you could spread the word about my story, share it with friends that would be greatly appreciated. Bye my little chicken nuggets<3

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