dates and girls night(Ajax pt.2)

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I walked into the room to see him standing in the middle. He was holding a bouquet of roses in his hand, and on his bed was a blanket fort covered in fairy lights, with a bowl of popcorn. A slight blush tinted my cheeks and I walked closer slowly. 

"Ajax what's this?" I asked, slightly surprised as to what was going on. He laughed nervously and took a step towards me. 

"Uhm y/n I- If you'd like, do you wanna be my date to the Rave'N dance tomorrow?" He asked, holding the roses out in front of him and slightly shutting his eyes like he was afraid of rejection. I giggled and walked closer to take the roses from him. 

"Of course I wanna go with you silly!" I shouted and hugged him tightly. He let out a sigh of relief and hugged me back. He grabbed my waist and twirled me around in the air while laughing. I then noticed the fort again. "Hey ajax, what's that for?" I asked, pointing to the fort. He smiled and grabbed my hand. 

"I thought we could cuddle for a bit and watch a movie if you want." He explained, and we got settled in the fort. We stayed there for the rest of the night, cuddled together under the blankets. 

Time skip brought to you by hot Shrek because slay: 

"ENID I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! HELP ME!" I screeched into the phone. I had woken up in Ajax's dorm and snuck out easily, but when I returned to my dorm my mood was quite the opposite of what it had been. There was only 6 hours until the dance and I had nothing to wear. All the shops were closed today, and I was slightly freaking out. So I turned to Enid for help. She soon arrived at my dorm with Yoko holding nail polish, a straightener, and a curling iron. Enid had a couple dresses in her hand. I was pacing back and forth while they set up everything on my desk where I had my makeup. 

"Okay, I'll do your makeup while Yoko decides what to do with your hair okay?" Enid said, and before I could even comprehend what was happening, I was sat down in front of my desk with Enid concentrating in front of me and Yoko pulling my hair from behind. After they were done I looked at myself in the mirror. It looked amazing! But I still had nothing to wear. Enid noticed the look on my face and smiled. "Y/n I brought a few dressed for you to try." She said, shoving the dresses into my arms and taking Yoko's hand to lead her outside. 

I sighed and tried on the three dresses she gave me. None of them felt right. Just then I heard a knock. I opened it to reveal Enid and Yoko looking slightly disappointed when I was back in my pj's. 

"Sorry you guys, they just didn't look right." I said and sighed. 

"Not to worry, I managed to get this a few days ago because you didn't stop eyeing it at the store." A monotone voice said from behind Enid and Yoko. They moved to the side to reveal Wednesday holding a box in her hands. I smiled gratefully and pulled all of them into the room. They faced the wall while I changed. 

"Okay you guys can look now." They all turned to face me and gasped. "Is it bad?" I asked concerned. A smile broke out on Enid's face. 

"It's perfect!" She shouted. Tonight was going to be fun.

606 words

K so it did end up being long so I'll make one more part for the dance and i'll show you her makeup and hair and dress options. Love you my little chicken nuggets and please if you can, share this story and vote. Byeeee<3

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