Therapy (Tyler)

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ok this idea is kinda weird but like just go with it :)

"So tomorrow y/n I was thinking we could try something different since it's your last session." Dr. Kimbott said in her usual tone that gave me a headache. I smiled softly, trying not to really lose my temper on the women. After all she did help me through my stupid trauma. 

"What would that be?" I asked as politely as I could, even though you could still hear the annoyance in my voice. 

"One of my other patients is also doing his last session tomorrow and I thought since you both lack well yk, a lover or even just a friend, that you could talk and get to know each other. If it's alright with you of course honey." She said in her sickeningly sweet tone. I rolled my eyes before answering with a laugh.

"Sure Dr. Kimbott. Do whatever you like." And with that I turned around to leave. 

Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass:

I was staring out of the window in principal Wheems car on the way to therapy. My last session. I was nervously fiddling with the bottom of my jacket. Maybe I was nervous because it was my last session, or maybe because I was meeting that boy Dr. Kimbott talked about. I had a bad feeling about it. Whatever the reason, it made my insides turn. As I zoned back in we were already pulling up. I smiled at Wheems as she rubbed my arm gently before nodding her head. I sighed and got out of the car making my way up to her office slowly. I knocked on the door and she opened it with her usual smile. I smiled back, and walked inside to find the boy sitting there. He had fluffy brown hair. Kinda cute. 

As he turned to me though I realized who it was. Tyler Galpin. I scowled as he turned to face me. He returned the glare. Dr. Kimbott looked surprised.

"Y/n this is Tyl-" 

"Ya. We've met." I said coldly, leaning against the wall. 

"Oh uhm mind sharing that story?" She asked while sitting down and bringing out her clipboard. Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Of course. Last outreach day I was helping my art teacher, another student technically, paint a mural in Jericho. We didn't really get along but I was starting to gain his trust and become his friend. Anyways, it was going well until HE showed up with his friends and ruined everything!" 

"That's not true!" He shouted in protest standing up. Dr. Kimbott was at a loss for words. 

"It is so true! You and you're jerk friends ruined our mural and gave me this!" I shouted back and pulled my jacket down to show a scar on my collar bone from when I tried to fight him and his friends. Both him and Dr. Kimbott gasped and softened a bit before hesitantly walking closer. "Stay away from me Tyler!" I said, instantly trying to get distance between us.  His gaze had softened and he walked towards me slowly. I was frozen, and cornered against the wall. I didn't want to see him, so I looked down at the floor. After a few seconds I felt his hand list my chin to stare into my eyes. He didn't say anything, and I was left with a conflicting feeling. 

566 words

Okay so there will be a part two I'm currently working on it. I'm not sure if I wanna make it platonic between tyler and her or like a relationship but I was thinking I might do many parts so ya. Anyways hope you enjoyed this really weird idea. Love you my little chicken nuggets <3

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