Painting lesson(Xavier)

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"hey babe, I was thinking tonight we could do something special. If you want." Xavier said, his arms wrapped around my waist as he hugged me from behind. He planted small kisses along my neck, causing giggles to erupt from my throat. "Is that a yes then?" He asked, satisfied with the reaction he had gotten from me. I nodded and turned around to give my boyfriend a proper hug. 

Time skip:

Xavier led me through the woods, constantly ignoring my questions. 

"Xavier! Where are we going, because I'm pretty sure you're taking me somewhere to die honestly!" I said, only really half joking. He just chuckled and grabbed my hand telling me we were almost there. I shivered from the cold air and looked around. Ahead of us I saw an old shed. Yep, definitely going to the place I would die. I stopped slightly and Xavier turned to face me. 

"Darling chill, I promise I'm not gonna kill you. This is my art shed." He explained as he grabbed my hand and led me inside. When he turned on the lights I gasped, seeing highly detailed paintings and sketches all over the room. Canvases of all sizes here and there. I turned in circles, amazement clear in my eyes. "You like it?" He asked hopefully. I nodded, still at a loss for words. "I was hoping we could paint something." He said as he grabbed some paints and paint brushes. I turned to him. 

"I- Xavier I can't really-"

"Okay so these are the colors we can use and here's your brush." He rambled, handing me things to paint with. 

"XAVIER!" I shouted, catching his attention. "I can't paint..." I admitted slowly. He looked at me for a bit until he started laughing. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I'm gonna go." I said sadly, and turned to walk away. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. 

"Babe, I'm sorry, don't go. I'm gonna help you okay? We can paint together." He said, finally stopping the laughter. I looked up at him and smiled, slowly giving in to his charm and nodding my head. 

He put the paintbrush in my hand and put his hand overt op of my own, guiding it around the canvas. He let me choose any color I wanted, and helped me paint a picture. When we finished it didn't look very good but we had gotten to spend such a wonderful time together, that neither of us cared what it looked like. We made our way back to his dorm and cuddled for a while before he fell asleep,m and I suck back to my own dorm. What a wonderful night. 

451 words

Hey hope you enjoyed this one. I love you all, please vote, comment, hare this story and please make sure you share any ideas you have. Bye my little chicken nuggets<3

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