Not completely heartless (Wednesday)

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"Y/n hurry up we're gonna be late!" Enid yelled as me, Yoko, Enid and her date were making our way to the Rave'N dance. I laughed and rolled my eyes jokingly as I walked next to the group. 

"Relax Enid, we're literally here!" I said, still giggling slightly. She grabbed her date's hand and went inside, followed my Yoko. I sighed and followed them but ran into someone before I could realize. 

"Hey! Watch it!" A male voice yelled as I looked up slowly. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize-" I started, desperately trying to save my clumsy ass from another fight.

"Well watch where you're going next time!" He yelled, and I looked up to see his face. A small tear made its way down my cheek and I wiped it away swiftly. 

"Calm down Tyler, it was just an accident." A chilling monotone voice said from behind him. I looked at the source of the voice to see the one and only Wednesday Addams. The heartless girl who stole my heart. I quickly turned around and walked outside again, not hearing the girl I adored yelling my name. Tears streamed down my face now. Why did I have to be so helpless. I heard the pattering of feet approaching, so I quickly wiped the tears from my face and turned around. 

"Y/n are you alright?" Wednesday asked, her voice still deprived of any emotion. I sighed and aggressively wiped at the new line of tears starting to travel down my face. 

"Yeah I'm fine, you should just go back inside with your date." I said and looked down at the ground, now very afraid that all my beautifully done makeup would be smeared. 

"You're not fine. And I didn't even want to come with Tyler. Let's sit somewhere and talk." She suggested, not even giving me a chance to reply before grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her. 

"I- Wednesday stop." I said before pulling my arm back and pulling her to a stop. 

"What." She asked, a blank expression still on her face. 

" I like you Wednesday, and I know you dont like me back but I needed to get it out. I have ever since you saved me from that monster." I sputtered out. Before I could continue my ramble I felt a pair of surprisingly warm lips against mine. I leaned into the kiss before Wednesday pulled back. 

"I like you too. I hate emotions, they make you vulnerable but you my dear y/n have peeked my interest. Be my girlfriend." She said, more of a demand then a request but nevertheless I was delighted. Nodding I grabbed her hand and we went back to the dance together. Maybe she wasn't completely heartless after all.

462 words

I kinda like this one but it was also rushed. I had a busy day and I felt like I needed to get someone out for you guys. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, and I love you my little chicken nuggets <3

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