what would dating Xavier look like

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Physical touch?

Xavier loves physical touch, but he never admits it. When you guys are walking in the halls he always has an arm around your shoulder, waist, or is holding your hand. When you guys are out in public he will hold your hand, and will sometimes put his hand on your thigh and trace shapes etc. When you are alone he becomes the clingiest person alive unless he's in a bad mood. He loves to cuddle you, and just hold you from behind. He'll hug your waist from behind and rest his head on your shoulder or hide his face in your neck. When he's in a bad mood you can always tell because he doesn't want to touch you. Usually he gives in when you go up to him and give him the puppy dog eyes. He'll sigh and open his arms for you to hug him, but then he wont let you get up again.

things he likes about you:

You're hair is one of his favourite things. It always calms him down when he gets to play with it and run his hands through your hair after a long day. The other thing he likes about you is your poetry writing skills, when he's feeling down he likes it when you read your writing and poetry to him. He loves that you're so talented. 

Your favourite memory together:

It was your second day at Nevermore and you were required to join a club. Archery caught your attention so you went to check it out. That's where you met Xavier. You had only shot a bow a couple times when you were younger, so he helped you out. He had stood behind you with his hands on your waist to move you to to right spot, and it made u flustered. So you got distracted and looked at him instead, while he was also staring at you. You let the arrow fly on accident and it did not hit the target. You apologized profusely but he thought you were absolutely adorable. 

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