(Tyler pt.2)

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this is the part 2 of Therapy, and I'm thinking i'm gonna make it 3 parts so lemme know if you think I should.

After a few seconds I felt his hand lift my chin to stare into my eyes. He didn't say anything, and I was left with a conflicting feeling. 

I stared into his eyes and felt a tear make it's way down my cheek. His eyes were softened, not like earlier. He used his thumb to wipe away the tear from my face, and then left his hand on my cheek. 

"Y/n I'm so sorry about what happened last year. My friends and I were jerks but I've changed, I really have. It's not the person I want to be and I never wanted to hurt you. Can you forgive me?" He said in a calm voice that made my heart swell. There were now tears streaming down my face but I was smiling. I put my hand on top of his on my cheek and leaned into his touch. 

"Tyler I-"

"It's okay if you don't wanna be friends, but at least dont stay mad at me?" He asked, with that adorable smile on his face. I nodded and he pulled me in for a hug. I accepted and we stayed like that until Dr. Kimbott cleared her voice. I honestly forgot she was here. 

"Well it seems you two have worked it out, and each of your last sessions is done! Well done you two. And remember you're welcome to come talk to me anytime!" She said as she stood up and opened the door. I pulled myself away from Tyler and walked towards the door smiling. I thanked Dr. Kimbott before leaving and opening the front door to go back to Nevermore. As I was about to walk over to principal Wheems car a hand on my shoulder brought me to a halt. I turned around to face the person that had stopped me and found it to be Tyler. He had a piece of paper in his hand. 

"What's up?" I questioned. He handed me the piece of paper with a nervous grin. 

"It's my number. In case you decide you wanna try that friends thing?" He suggested sheepishly. I laughed and nodded. Turning to leave I waved goodbye and started my journey back to Nevermore, a smile on my face. 

397 words

It's kinda short but Idk I sorta liked it. I think I'll do a part 3 where they get together or at least become closer, maybe add a love triangle? Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I love you all my little chicken nuggets<3

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