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"mm I love you ajax" I said gasping for air between each kiss. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away to look into my eyes. 

"I love you too y/n." He said and pulled me back. our lips were moving together, our bodies pressed together tightly. That was, until a bright light shown near us. 

"Shit, lets go before we get caught!" I whispered while pulling away and grabbing his hand to lead him the other way. He stumbled behind me, causing me to giggle. Once we knew we were safe from whichever teacher was looking for us, we slowed down to walk next to each other. We came up to an old barn in the woods. 

"Hey isn't this where we first met?" Ajax questioned, slightly stopping by the barn. I nodded, turning around to face him with a sad smile on my face remembering that day.

I shuddered from the cold as I wandered through the woods aimlessly. I had been thrown out of my house by my father. He was an alcoholic, has been ever since my mother left us. He had thrown me out because I was a 'freak' in his words. Unsure of where to go I had ventured through the woods tirelessly. I was cold, tired, and hungry. Eventually I had managed to find the barn. It blocked out the wind enough for me to sleep. I stayed there for a few hours before I heard a few male voices. A group of teenage boys walked in the door laughing. I observed them from behind a few pieces of wood. One of them spotted me but I held a finger to my lips to tell him to keep quiet. He had a beanie on and was wearing a uniform for a school for outcasts. Nevermore. I waited a bit before the male voices got quieter. Slowly I crept out from behind the wood only to be met with a voice from behind me. 

"So who are you?" The boy who noticed me before asked. He had a cute voice. 

"Y/n. Y/n l/n. Who are you?" I asked, backing up slowly. He noticed this and softened his expression a bit. 

"I'm Ajax. I go to Nevermore, the school a little ways that way." He said pointing to the direction the other boys had gone. "Are you an outcast?" He asked. I nodded slowly, before pulling off my glove and touching the wood, turning it invisible. 

"Does this make me an outcast?" I asked quietly before pulling my hand away and putting my glove back on. The boy stared at me in awe. 

"Whoa man that's so cool! If you dont have anywhere to go you should like come back to nevermore with me." He suggested, and without waiting for my response he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him to Nevermore. My new home.

"Ya I remember." I said, turning around again. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. 

"I'm glad I found you that day." He said, his voice muffled slightly as he stuffed his face in my neck. 

"It was the best day of my life. That day I was rescued."

533 words

This one was sorta requested by a friend, but I kinda went off the idea a little bit, Hope it was what you were thinking and sorry if it didn't quite meet your standards. Anyways sorry for not posting in forever, I probably wont post much starting tomorrow because dance and school are starting up again. I'll try my best to get some stories out but please be patient with me because my anxiety gets really bad when I'm super busy. Anyways I love you guys so much and thanks for reading my little chicken nuggets! Like 1.1k reads is insane! Bye guys <3

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