Insults ( Xavier)

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Walking down the hall hand in hand with my boyfriend, Xavier, earned an infinite amount of reactions from the other students. We hadn't been public for a while, keeping our relationship private for the first 6 months. But Xavier wanted the girls to stop flirting with him and, well, I did too. As much as I wish I could say I wasn't jealous, I really was. And it was starting to show. Luckily, Xavier and I have been on the same page about going public. At first it had been fine, with very few girls and guys not being supportive, but as a few weeks passed it had started getting out of hand.

I could hear the whispers in the halls, occasionally mentioning mine or Xavier's name in their conversations. Now, usually I wouldn't give a crap cus they're all just jealous, but today it was getting out of hand.

"She doesn't even deserve to be friends with him, let alone be dating him."

Another conversation caught my attention, as Xavier had walked over to Ajax to talk to him. I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill out if anyone said anything else.

"She's not even pretty. And she's so annoying."

The insults had been getting to me recently, and I was doing worse and worse at hiding it.

"She should honestly go and die, he probably wouldn't miss her anyways. Nobody would miss her." 

The tears flowed freely now, despite the amount of times I aggressively swiped at my face with my sleeves. Xavier caught my eyes and excused himself from the conversation with Ajax rather quickly. He sped over to where I was and grabbed my hands away from my face. Once he had caught sight of my tears he ushered us away, out to the garden where hardly any students went. 

"What happened?" He asked softly, pulling me closer to his chest. I sobbed into him, not meeting his eyes. He sighed and just rubbed comforting circles on my back. Soon, my sobs subsided and only a few tears remained. 

"I'm okay, really." I said, unconvincingly. He shook his head and took my hand. "Xavier where are we going?" I asked, but he didn't answer. Soon we were at Enid and Wednesday's room. They were two of my best friends. He knocked on the door and Enid opened it. As soon as she noticed me with red eyes she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. Wednesday looked up from her spot on the bed where she was reading. 

"Who do I need to kill." She asked, mainly towards me but soon towards Xavier as Enid had already pulled out sweets and makeup and movies. 

"Come with me, I'll explain on the way." He motioned for Wednesday to follow him, so she did while me and Enid were distracted. An hour later the two returned, Xavier with bloody knuckles and Wednesday with a few specks of blood on her shirt. I looked at them in shock.

"You didn't kill someone did you?" I asked,my voice shaky. Xavier shook his head. 

"Not yet, anyways." The two answered and came to sit with us. 

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