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In my make-believe utopia, I was quietly daydreaming. There were roller coasters, cotton candy-flavored clouds, and I even had a mansion. Even though I was finally free, all wonderful things must come to an end.


My father was the one who pounded on the door. I was still sound asleep and in my lovely dream. He knocked again when I was on the rollercoaster's drop portion.


The knock was even louder this time. It was more like he was pounding on the door. I'm not sure how I slept through all of this noise. My father appeared at my doorway, walking over to me as the door opened.
"Hey, y/n," he said, shaking me gently to wake me up. He lost his patience after that. "Y/N!" he yelled into my ear, aggressively shaking me now. When I opened my eyes, my upper body shot up from the soft sheets, making me sit on the bed.

"W-what?" I said, panicked.

"We're moving again, go pack your bags,"

Great, now I need to start over at a new school and become the new girl again. The fact that this was the seventh time we have moved this year made me angry with my dad. I got out of bed without saying anything because I knew my dad only wanted what was best for me.

I went to my desk and picked up my school supplies, but I didn't even bother to organize them this time because I was so exhausted from all the moving. As usual, I went to my messy closet and forcefully stuffed all of my clothes into my bag. I then went to my nightstand to collect my chargers and electronics, which I needed to pack because of personal information on there.

I went downstairs after packing and searched for the front door. We only moved here a month ago, and everything seemed so confusing because it is such a large place.

Gosh, this place was a frickin' maze...
I didn't complain to my dad 'cause he's extremely busy and hardworking. Lately, I've noticed he's been spending less time with me than he used to.

"Why did we have to move this time?" I said, rolling my eyes and sounding irritated.

"For business reasons, love," He said without even looking at me once, continuing his conversation on his phone.

Yeah right, he's used that excuse for a long time. At first, I believed him, but now it was obvious he was lying. I went with it anyway.



Our Lamborghini started speeding up on the highway. While Dad was driving, I began texting my friends.

3 baddies 1 porsche

Kim Y/n: hey im leaving now. can we still chat tho?
Read 7:39 AM

Those little traitors... I always wondered if they liked me because they always acted weird around me. They always asked for money from my dad every time they visited my house. I guess they were just using me because my dad was wealthy.

I didn't care. But I also did. Everyone keeps using me because my father is rich, which is how I developed trust issues. I was suddenly lost in my thoughts until my father began to speak.

"Hey, earth to y/n? We're here,"


I stopped mid-sentence as my eyes enlarge at the sight of the house. It was enormous, resembling a palace. I walked on the gorgeous marble pathway while admiring the centerpiece; a pretty white fountain with a statue of a baby cupid on top. As I walk into the ginormous, brown-ish palace with my luggage, I saw the interior. Oh my, It was better than the outside of the house.

The interior was huge, it was like I stepped inside a portal into a different house

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The interior was huge, it was like I stepped inside a portal into a different house. My dad interrupted me while I was admiring the inside.

"Okay, I know the house looks 'cool', but you need to go to sleep early, no need to stay up watching tic tacs. Your school starts tomorrow."

He means TikToks.

"Okay, Dad," I said sarcastically with a slightly annoyed face. Why did he have to remind me about dumb school? I moved aside so he can prepare the luggage for our brand-new house. I never looked away from the interior, it was beautiful. The stairs looked majestic. The way the wood curves so smoothly was gorgeous.


I thought. I started to snap out of it and once I did, I began to make my way upstairs. There was a window upon walking on the first few steps, I could see the astonishing view of our gorgeous backyard. The grass looked freshly cut and there was a pretty-looking wooden shed at the corner, along with a beautiful white marble fence.

I couldn't help noticing how lovely everything appeared as I made my way upstairs. I was astonished when I finally opened the door to my room.

 I was astonished when I finally opened the door to my room

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I felt like royalty upon entering the stunning room. This was honestly the best house we've moved into yet. My closet was big enough to fit a whole living room in it, my bathroom was huge enough to fit a whole 1-story office.

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