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1:53 PM

I whine, "Jimin." He replied, "Yes, love?" which made me blush. I questioned him, "Do you think I'm fat?" He put his hands around my waist and drew me in, saying, "No, why would you say that, beautiful?" I confess, "I looked in the mirror today and I look fat." "But you're not," he said, trying to console me. However, he added, "If you feel fat, you can work out with me today." I exclaimed, my eyes widening, "Really?" He chuckled, "Yes, my love." I embraced him tightly. "Thank you!" I squeal. Additionally, I'm considering dieting, but I'm still not sure. Do you have workout clothes with you? Jimin inquired. I answered, "No, but if that works, I have a crop top." "That's okay. Go change!" I hurried over to the closet.


"I'm all set!" I emerged out of the closet in skinny black leggings and a pink crop top that reaches my belly button. I also pulled my hair back into a ponytail so that I wouldn't perspire as much. "Okay, let's go!" "Wait!" Jimin is halted in his tracks by me. "Aren't you going to change too?" I inquire. "Nah. I don't have any sleeves, so it works." Makes sense. He is dressed in brown knee-length pants and a thin shirt without sleeves. With that attire, I guess he won't sweat all that much. It also fits him.

"Okay," I mumble, "Let's go." He chuckles, "If you keep staring, you'll leave a hole." I suddenly became aware that I was gazing at his muscles like a freak.


"I— wait— I wasn't—" Jimin's laughter rudely interrupted me. "Chill. It's alright." I secretly exhale a sigh of relief. "Should we tell uncle and Mi-Jeong we're going to the gym?" I ask him. Uncle and Mi-Jeong might believe we escaped on our own or were abducted. "Oh, right. You tell Uncle Jin, and I'll tell my mother." Just like that, we split up. I scurried to the left as Jimin walked to the right. There shouldn't be much difficulty getting to Uncle Jin's room because it isn't that far away.

I was right. "World Wide Handsome's Room. AVOID ENTRY!" I took the time to read the door's warning. Pfft. I make three knocks on the door before gingerly opening it, which makes the door creak.

"Uncle J—"


Uh. Why is he still asleep...
I should leave a note instead.

I snuck through the doorway while remaining stealthy, scanning the space for a piece of paper and a pencil."Aha!" I spoke in a low voice. My uncle's desk had some sticky notes and a pencil next to it. I get luckier every day. I carefully approach the desk without rousing him. I wrote down, "Jimin and I went to the gym and will be back soon, Uncle Jin. Love, Y/n."

"Perfect," I mumbled. I spun around and tore it from the other tiny papers. Phew, he's still asleep. His horrific snores fill up the room. I couldn't listen to it any longer. Desperate, I hastened over to the bed, stuck the sticky note on the side, and quickly fled the room.
I murmured "finally" as I shut the door. Jimin is still out of sight. I made the decision to wait for him downstairs, only to discover that he was already there.

"Took you long enough." "I did not take long!" He laughs. "Come on, I already got the key." Maybe I did take long...


"Fitness Circle" was the gym's name. "There's no one here!" "Is that good news?" I asked. He said, attempting to hide his smile, "Yeah. We have this all to ourselves." "Except the employees," I say with gritted teeth, pointing to the employee behind the counter. "Oops." "Whatever; I was going to take a nap. The gym is all yours, lovers," the employee said. "Thank you..." I quickly glanced at his name tag. "Thank you, Yoongi," I thanked the exhausted ebony-haired man as he walked off, opening a door that reads "Employees Only." The last thing I saw before he entered the room was him hugging an oyster-colored pillow.


He slammed the door. "What do you want to do first?" Jimin asked me. "I guess I'll do some simple squats. How about you?" I inquire. "I'm going to do a few sit-ups. I need your help holding my feet, though. I'll wait for you to do your squats, first." "Oh, okay. I'll help you soon. Let's go!" I said as I rushed to the area with the cushy yoga mats neatly lined up by the big windows. "Wait for me!" Jimin yelled, frantically moving his legs to catch up to me.

"You're slow," I said as he panted. We locked eyes as his head lifted. "Shut up," he said, his brow furrowed. His response made me laugh. "Prepare for your sit-ups. I'm going to do my squats," I said, stretching. "All right."

Jimin's POV

It's irritating; she isn't fat. Why would she say something like that? She is perfect the way she is. It's up to her if she thinks she's not perfect, though. It's her body. It's also up to her if she wants to go to the gym to lose weight. It's infuriating; I can't stop staring at her. Is it weird that I'm staring at her? It's perfectly normal. If you look at her BUTT, this is abnormal. I'm weird. Or am I simply...


Y/n's POV

You don't think I notice you staring at my butt, Park Jimin? Well, I do. But only from the corner of my eye. Knowing him, I'd better finish my squats quickly before we make out AT THE GYM. "Get ready for your sit-ups; I'm almost finished," I told him. He walked over to the mat and muttered, "Dang it." Was he upset that I'd finished squatting? I knew it. He sat on the mat and motioned me over.

"Hold it tightly." I followed his instructions. He started doing sit-ups while I scrolled through my phone, which was in my pocket. Thank goodness they have free Wi-Fi. "Yeah?" I reply, tucking the phone back into the comfort of my pocket. "Your grip. It's softening." "Oh, sorry." I decided that I wouldn't scroll through my phone anymore, since it was an obvious distraction. "Y/n? Is it okay if you count?" He asked. "Sure. And that's Baby to you." I said, grinning. "Just count," he said, chuckling. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen," I counted on and on as he did his sit-ups. "Twenty," I yawned. "How much are you planning to do?" "Not much." That's good. I didn't want to sit here just counting; It's boring.

"Twenty-seven, twen—"
I pushed him away. "You agreed to take me to the gym just to do this, didn't you?" "You know me so well." If you didn't know by now, he kissed me. Just a peck, though. "Jimin, there's a window right behind us. People will see us." He sighed. "Get up, princess." "Okay?" I replied, hesitating. "What- WHAT THE?! JIMIN!"


"WHY ARE WE HERE?" "You mean why are we under three red punching bags?" "WHY DO I NEED TO SPECIFY?! YES, WHY ARE WE UNDER THREE RED PUNCHING BAGS, PARK JIMIN?" I whisper-yell, aware that Yoongi is asleep. "Do you see a window now?" "No, w—"

How predictable.

He kissed me. Again.
At the gym.

But why did I enjoy it? I felt like every single time we do something, even just breathe, it turns into a huge make-out session.

I attempted to push him away. Of course, he doesn't allow me to. Want to know the plot twist? I knew this would happen. I don't look fat, I'm stunning. I gotcha, Park Jimin.

This was made as I listened to K-POP :)

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