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I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs.
"I'll get it!" my uncle exclaimed.
"Okay!" I yelled. Did he order pizza? I was starving. I peered out my window to see who it was. My room's window was facing directly at the front door so I could see who the person ringing the doorbell was. I was surprised to find out it was
My dad?!
What the heck was he doing with police cars?
I hurriedly turned around and ran to the door. I opened the door and exited the room, not even bothering to close it behind me. What on earth was he doing here?! How does he know where I was staying at? And most importantly, why was he here with the cops? I nearly tripped on my way downstairs, but I couldn't care less. When I finally got down, I looked up to see my uncle Jin surrounded by cops, with my father in the middle.
"Officers, he's the man who kidnapped my daughter," I heard my dad say, pointing to my uncle, "arrest him!"
"What? I didn't do anything!" my uncle protested. I started to walk up to the door to hear the conversation more clearly.
"Officers, that's my daughter!" my father yelled dramatically upon seeing me. My father pointed to me and all the cops turned their heads to face me. Even though he was a bad actor, the cops seemed to believe my father. Idiots.

I was the smart one; I can sense the off tone in his voice.

"I wasn't kidnapped! I asked my uncle to move into his house," I informed the cops. I saw their serious expressions turned confused. Honestly, I was too. I looked at my father and he gave me a death glare, signaling me to follow along with his act. The heck? Why was he accusing my uncle of kidnapping me? I cleared my head and returned my gaze to my uncle, who was staring at me lovingly.
"Thank you, y/n," he said, smiling. He returned his attention to the cops and my father. "I didn't kidnap anyone!" After my uncle finished speaking, I heard another voice from behind us.
"What's going on?" I turned around. It was Jimin from upstairs, just waking up. He looked adorable in his pajamas, and his messy hair added to his cuteness.
"My dad is here and said uncle Jin kidnapped me," I explained to Jimin. His eyes shot wide open and he ran downstairs. As soon as he got downstairs, he started approaching the door.
"Officers, y/n's uncle is innocent!" Jimin said.
"Did her uncle also kidnap you?" an officer said, looking suspiciously at Jimin.
"What?! No!" Jimin blubbered, "My mom and I wanted to move here with them,"
"Oh, I see," the officer said. Another officer started to speak.
"Did you lie?" she told my father. His face turned into a panicked one.
"N-no they're lying, not me!" my father hurriedly said. He was not born to be an actor, that's for sure. I stepped in.
"Officers, yes, that is my father but I asked my uncle to let me move into his house. He did not kidnap anyone," I informed them. His horrible acting shows that he knows I moved into his brother's house, but how?
"You have 48 hours to prove you did not kidnap this child," an officer said while staring at my uncle. I saw my father roll his eyes before the door was closed by one of the officers. The sunlight faded away while the cop was closing the door, darkening the room.
"Oh my gosh, what are we gonna do?" I heard my uncle say. He sounded so stressed, I felt so bad for him. I haven't seen him so upset before.
"Don't worry uncle Jin, we're going to prove that you did not kidnap us," Jimin said, trying to cheer my uncle up. I started to join the conversation.
"But how?" I asked with a worried look on my face. Who wouldn't be worried in this situation? A person that has proof. But we didn't.
"Don't worry. Y/n and I will try to figure out a way to prove we weren't kidnapped," Jimin told my uncle. Uncle Jin smiled.
"Thank you, Jimin," we both smiled back at him before Jimin held my hand and started leading me upstairs. I was blushing the whole way upstairs. I felt so comfortable when he held my hand. Once we made it up, Jimin opened the door with his other hand and closed it shut once we entered the room.
"What are we gonna do? Uncle is in trouble," I told him, putting one of my hands on my head. Jimin walked closer to me before grabbing both of my shoulders softly. He gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Don't worry, we'll get the proof that we need to keep uncle out of jail," he assured me. I trust him, so I knew we would. I gave him a soft smile. He sat down on the bed and I followed him, sitting beside him.
"Where were you when you asked uncle Jin to move into his house?" Jimin asked me.
"At school," I answered him. His eyebrows shot up.
"So that's how your dad knows you were gonna move into uncle Jin's house," he told me. Huh?
"How exactly?" I asked him. This was so confusing. Plus, how does me being at school make my dad know that I moved into my uncle's house? This doesn't make any sense to me. Well, not right now.
"When you left, the next day he probably followed you to your school. Since he's your father, he knows where you go to school. That's how he knows you moved into brother's house," Jimin explained. OOOH! That made more sense to me now. But wait, something still didn't make sense to me.
"But my uncle moved without telling anyone, how did he find the house and ring the doorbell?" I questioned Jimin.
"He probably followed the car and remembered the address," Jimin said. Everything was slowly piecing together like a puzzle.
"Do we have any proof?" I asked him. We needed proof that he followed us, that makes him a stalker and a liar.
"I don't think so," Jimin said. We started to ponder.
"Ugh, what are we gonna do?!" I said angrily, I can't believe my dad would accuse my uncle of a thing that could put him in jail for YEARS.
"Wait, you said you asked uncle Jin at school, right?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah?" I said, confused. What the heck did the school have to do with this?
"The school has security cameras, let's check there!" Jimin said. What a genius idea! I never noticed any cameras before actually, but I did see a small dot on the ceiling before. I thought it was just a tiny bug, but I guess it's a camera.
"Smart! We have to tell uncle," I told Jimin. He smiled and put his hands on the bed, helping him get up. He began walking to the door and opening it right after to tell uncle.

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