Movie Night

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"Well, since we're done, want to watch TV?" He asked as he pointed to the couch and the TV.

"Sure, what movie are we watching?" I asked him, curious.

"How about a horror movie?" He said while giving me an angelic smile. I died on the inside but I managed to function properly.

"Sure!" I said, smiling back at him. He stood up from his chair, pushing the chair back slightly under the table. He held his hand out for me. I stood up, also pushing the chair back under the circle-shaped table. I held out my hand as I walked toward him, grabbing his hand gently. He slowly pulled me as we made our way to the couch. I mimicked his walk as we walked together. He let go of my hand as we approached the loveseat, sat down, and motioned for me to take a seat next to him by patting the available space on the left side of the couch.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him, a new butterfly fluttering in my stomach. I moved to his left and sat down next to him. Our closeness caused me to sink into the dip in the cushion caused by Jimin's weight, tilting my body closer to him. He grabbed the remote from the small table by the couch, turned on the TV, and selected a horror film for us to watch.

"How about this one?" He asked, pointing to the TV, waiting for my approval of the horror movie.

"It looks interesting, sure!" I replied to his question. He clicks the "OK" button on the remote and the movie began to play. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, I could feel his warmth when he gently pushed my body closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling safe in his warm embrace.


"Father, where are you?!" A character from a movie screamed.

"He's long gone, kid." I jumped when a deep, demonic voice suddenly spoke. The kid screamed and ran as fast as he could through the maze, hoping the monster couldn't catch up until he saw a dead end. The kid slowly turned around, hoping the monster wasn't there. The camera shifted to the boy's point of view, the monster was there, just standing still. After a couple of seconds, the demonic silhouette rapidly went close to the camera and shrieked, opening his mouth wide open, wider than a human being can. You could see its sharp, yellow, and uneven teeth. The boy was screaming while the monster attacked. I whimpered and squeaked while jumping from fright. I covered my eyes with my hands to block out the horrifying scene on the screen. Jimin noticed.

The shrieking sounds were suddenly silenced when Jimin quickly paused the movie using the remote. He turned his head in my direction.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, concerned. Before I could respond, the arm that he put around me tightened, pushing me closer to him. I looked him right in the eye, noticing his worried face and dark, attractive eyes. I started to blush. He shared the blanket he had next to him with me, also wrapping the fluffy blanket around him.

"Is it too scary for you?" He asked, worried about me.

"No, It's okay, I'm fine. I just didn't expect it, that's all." I said, in a quiet voice.

"Do you want to do something else to calm you down before we continue to watch the movie?" I became red, he was so caring and sweet, I couldn't help but blush.



Jimin chuckled when he noticed me stuttering. He took the fur blanket off of us before he stood up. He walked in front of me and held out his hand for me while smiling angelically. I took his hand as he helped me get up from the couch. He gently pulled me back to the circular table and let go of my hand to sit down on his seat, I immediately knew that he wanted me to sit across from him, so, I pulled the chair that was under the table to sit down on it.

"To keep you distracted, I could show you things to cheer you up, Is that all right?"

Of course, Jimin. I love you, it's all right.
I wanted to say but immediately stopped myself.

"Yeah, that's all right. Thank you," He took out his phone and showed me some pictures from when he was just a baby, he looked so adorable. I laughed when he showed me pictures of him in the bathtub.

Jimin's POV:

It was adorable seeing her laugh and smile. I'm surprised she even likes me. As I gazed at her stunning face, I blushed. The way she smiled was so mesmerizing. I dozed off for a while while I was admiring her, and when she talked, I finally snapped out of it.

Y/n's POV:

"Thanks for cheering me up, Jimin. Should we continue watching the movie now?" I said after laughing at one of his baby pictures.

Jimin chuckled.

Gosh, his chuckle was as cute as him.

"I would love to." He said, with an angelic smile on his handsome face.

We both pushed the chairs under the table as we stood up, we walked to the couch again, continuing the movie.


While we watched the movie, Jimin comforted me, making me feel safe. He wrapped his arm around me and placed the soft gray blanket over us. He kept looking over at me to make sure I was okay, I blushed every time he did. I didn't look at him, I just saw him looking at me from the corner of my eye.

I jumped as the monster from the movie attacked a couple in the confusing maze. Jimin looks at me.

"Hey, don't worry. The movie is ending. Are you okay?" He said as he hugged me, making me lean closer to him.

"Yes, thank you."

"Let's go."He said as he took my hand and stood up. I stood up with him, following him out of the room. He gently pushed the curtain away to reveal the restaurant behind it, I copied his steps as we went through the corridors, leaving the restaurant.

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