Bedroom Mess

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Jimin's POV
I finally snapped out of it. "Y/n, you're drunk," I told her. Although I do want to hold her, I needed to take it slowly and so did she. She's probably not thinking properly considering she had so many bottles at her friend's party. She fixed her puppy eyes on me and tilted her head against my shoulder as she glared. Her eyebrows dropped abruptly, showing her rage.

"I'm not drunk!" She argued. The way she went over to the bed was a sign that she was drunk. It was so cute seeing her pout. She pushed me closer to her by wrapping her arm around me. We were basically breathing each others air. Butterflies started to flutter in my stomach. I felt a pounding rush in my heart and I was sure y/n heard it. I made an attempt to pull myself away from y/n's embrace but she was too strong.
We're so close. Too close.
"I want you, Jimin,"

Did she actually say that? I thought I was moving too quickly, but wow. She unexpectedly moves her hands from my shoulders to my cheek.
A second later, I'm passionately kissing her on the lips. To be honest, this surprised me. Did she really love me? Because I'm pretty sure I'm talking to drunk y/n right now. I'm unsure, but why doesn't this feel wrong to me? I honestly enjoyed it. I don't know what's wrong with me. My brain was messed up just like my sleeping schedule. I didn't have time for all of this, so I calmed down and focused on the kiss I was having with y/n. Our lips were made for each other, perfectly matching like soulmates. She pulls away from the kiss and I was surprised when I was a bit disappointed. She attractively looked at my lips before her eyes flickered, now looking into mine. She smiled seductively.
"Goodnight, Jimin."
Did she really just say that after a kiss? It didn't matter anyway, my mind was a mess. Filled to the brim with questions.
Did she enjoy that kiss?
I was distracted by so many things until y/n hugged me and I just focused on her. She was dozing off. I eventually collapsed onto my back. Y/n sighed.
She moved herself closer to me and rested her head on my chest.
Gosh, she was so cute.
I reached out my hand and wrapped it around her, falling asleep with her on my chest.


Seokjin's POV

Mi-Jeong and I were peering through the gap in the door that y/n had left open. I was just worried, so I wanted to check up on her with Mi-Jeong, who is also concerned about y/n. She mentioned her friend's party to me earlier, and I told her she could go. That was most likely the best decision I'd ever made in my life.  Mi-Jeong and my concerned faces soon turned into smirks and raised eyebrows. We've caught them now. I couldn't tell you how angry she'd be if she found out I was spying on her. Fortunately, Mi-Jeong had my back. I may or may not have captured them kissing on camera. You can't prove anything.
"They're so cute together!" Mi-Jeong spoke in a hushed tone. I smiled broadly at her.
"I know, right?" We eventually got out of our crouching positions and pulled the door handle to close it. It made a little creaking noise but that luckily didn't wake them. We quietly sneaked out way over to our bedrooms across the hall, careful not to wake the two lovebirds.
I entered my bedroom, relieved that I was finally far enough away from the door to stop tip-toeing. I dashed over to my bed, pulling my phone from my pocket to look at the photos of them kissing. They were the perfect couple! HUGE Y/nmin shipper here. Apart from Mi-Jeong, of course.

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