Square One

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I woke up from my sleep to the irritating ringing sound of my alarm.

Just let me rest...

I muttered.

Finally getting out of bed, I started to crawl to my closet, which seemed like 10 miles away. When I finally reached the closet, I got up and quickly got dressed, then went to my desk to get some school supplies.

"Why did we have to move? I mean, I like the house but I have to start over and make new friends at a new school again," I fumed. Before leaving my room, I combed my hair and put on chapstick on my dry lips.

What the-

I said in my head when I realized I was in the bathroom. This place was way too big.


I made myself a bit of breakfast downstairs before going out the front door to see my dad already waiting. He signaled me to the car. As I open the sleek and shiny sliding car door, I took out my phone to keep myself distracted to make my trip to school seem quicker. I guess I gained a new habit of doing that in car rides.

When I felt ourselves stop, I raised my head and set my eyes on the building, finally seeing my new school.

When I felt ourselves stop, I raised my head and set my eyes on the building, finally seeing my new school

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In comparison to my prior schools, it appeared more modern and sleek. My dad carefully placed a piece of paper in my pocket.

"Have a nice day at school, love!"

I heard him say cheerfully as I close the car door behind me, I waved to him as a sign of goodbye before he drove off.

I entered the school to see a large corridor full of lockers. I discovered my classroom number was 07 when I pulled out the paper my father had tucked into my pocket. Luckily, I saw a student pass by.

"Hi! My name is Kim Y/n, I'm new. Do you know where class 07 is by any chance?"

The boy quickly responded with:
"Oh, yeah. I go to that class and was just walking there, follow me!"

That's when I noticed how adorable he looked with his slightly messy hair and the cute school uniform he was wearing. He looked charming and looked like he came from heaven. I kept stealing glances at him while we were walking.

"I'm so sorry, where are my manners? My name is Park Jimin, otherwise known as Jimin, nice to meet you, y/n." He said in a kind tone. Drop-dead gorgeous and has a nice personality... I would have died at that moment. I smiled, as I hoped he didn't see my cheeks turn cherry-red.

When we entered the classroom, Jimin whispered something to the teacher and he nodded. I was walking up to the teacher when I noticed it was my uncle!

"Seok-jin! I missed you!" I said while giving my teacher (Seok-jin) a tight hug.

He gently hugged back as he said, "Hey, my love! I missed you too."

The class becomes quiet after hearing our conversation.

"Class, meet Kim Y/n, our new student! She's also my niece, so please be nice,"

When I was waiting for him to tell me where my seat was, he whispered in my ear.
"You get your school uniform tomorrow," he said. I caught him smiling at the corner of my eye. Afterward, my uncle pointed to a seat in the 2nd row of the classroom, I was surprised to find out I was next to that cute boy named Jimin! I quickly thanked my uncle before speed-walking to my seat.

The class was actually pretty fun, My uncle was a great teacher. I stole a couple of glances from Jimin but luckily, I didn't get distracted.

Why did he have to be so attractive?


My eyes finally left his heavenly face when the bell rang, the class quickly bolted out onto the hallway. I looked at the piece of paper in my pocket and saw that my locker number was 027, I followed the students onto the hallway to look for my locker.

I put my notebooks and my unnecessary things in my locker, making sure everything was nice and tidy. When I was done organizing my things, I closed the shiny, blue locker door but jumped from fright a bit when I spotted Jimin standing beside my locker.

Oh gosh, we were so close.

I somehow stopped admiring him and started speaking.

"Woah, you scared me! Do you need anything?"

"I was wondering if you would like to hang out after school today? It's okay if you don't want to-"

"Oh, sure!" I replied, cutting him off.

"Really? Oh my gosh, meet you there!" He said eagerly as he ran off to his locker which was surprisingly not that far from mine. I was surprised he didn't notice me blushing hard.

His face was so cute when he said those words. I just stood there, stunned while I pictured how cute his heavenly smile was when I accepted. I was mad we moved but it's not a bad start, I already made a friend! A friend I most likely had feelings for...

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