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a/n to a: idea is they go to prom Y and so many boys ask her out Y and then next next part is like the chapter "alone" in teach her WIP and Jimin gets jealous of the boys so that results in ykw Y and next next next part are they workout in the gym and Jimin is doing crunches/situps and asks y/n to hold his arms and when he sits up he starts to flirt with her ;) XY

Jimin and I could hear students whispering to one another as we moved through the school's corridors. We clearly heard what they were saying, so it seemed like they didn't do a very good job of keeping quiet. It's the next day and we have forgotten all about yesterday.

"Hey, do you know why they're talking about a prom?" Jimin questioned me. I honestly didn't know, I've never heard anything about one at our school before.
"No," I replied to him. I wanted to ask one of my friends who was passing by about it because perhaps she knew. I signaled Jimin to stop walking by raising my hand in front of him.
"Hey, Aera!" I called out her name. She stopped herself before turning in my direction.
"Hi, Y/n! What's up?" she cheerfully asked.
"Woah, why are you so happy today?" I asked her. She normally doesn't talk in a high-pitched voice.
She screamed, "Ha-Jun asked me to the prom!" with excitement. She was even trembling with happiness.
"That's what I was going to ask you about, what's up with everyone talking about a prom?" I was so baffled because I don't recall hearing anyone mention a prom before until now.
"Y-" Aera's sentence was suddenly interrupted.
I overheard the principal saying, "Students," over the speaker. "Another reminder that prom is starting the following week at 7:30 AM, so please be prepared,"
"Does that answer your question?" Aera grinned before leaning close to my ear.
She mumbled, "Have fun with your boyfriend," teasingly. Before rushing off to her class, she gave me an infuriating wink.
"What'd she say?" I heard Jimin ask from behind me. I turned to him while saying, "It's not important. Come on, let's get to class," I wrapped my arm around his. I laid my head on his shoulder and I could see him blushing.
"Y-yeah let's go," he nervously said. I chuckled. Gosh, he was so cute. It didn't take long to reach our classroom. Jimin pushed the heavy door open to reveal a girl receiving a proposal for the prom from a boy at the front of the classroom.
"Ji-a," the boy started speaking, holding a large, sparkling banner in his hands with the words "Go to the prom with me?" in bold letters. "Will you-" Ji-a interrupts the boy by saying an enthusiastic "Yes!" before running over to him and hugging him in her arms. Our classmates cheered. Looks like the prom was getting big. I had no intention of going; it's a bit stupid but romantic in a way. I removed my encircled arm from Jimin's so that my uncle couldn't see it and freak out at home.
"Congratulations!" my uncle said from behind them.
"Thank you, Mr. Kim," the boy said with a wide smile on his face. They both walked over to their seats, holding hands while Jimin and I did the same. Well, not the holding hands part.
"Okay, class. As you know, a prom is coming up soon," My uncle started to speak. "You have today and tomorrow to find a prom date unless you're planning on going to the dance alone. Don't worry, you will have an extended break on both days so you can have more time to find a date!" the student's faces lit up as soon as my uncle finished his sentence. That's great, they can have enough time to ask people out while I just lean back and relax. A student raised their hand.
"Yes, Kija?" my uncle answered. It was my friend, Choi Kija.
"What if we don't want to go?" he asked. I was wondering about that too. It was gonna be a bit embarrassing to be seen without a date.
"Then you call the school and say you can't attend. Simple," my uncle replied to his question as Kija lowered his hand. I was certain I wasn't gonna get any prom requests, so I planned on staying home instead of going to the dance.
"Any more questions?" my uncle asked. Silence filled the room.
"I'll take that as a no," Uncle Jin said. Then, he started to blabber about the lesson.


"Y/n, please, will you go to the prom with me?"
"No!" a guy shoved the other away, reaching his hand out to hand me a bouquet.
"Y/n-" just then, another guy came in. What the heII is going on? Why were all these boys going crazy over me? And why me of all people? There was Ji-hu, the most popular girl in school. But no, they all pick me. They were all sending death glares at each other and they eventually started to fight for me. It got so bad that one of them even had a black eye. I was about to say something to stop them when I unexpectedly heard a voice from behind me.
"Boys, stop being so immature," Jimin was standing by the doorway with a serene face when I turned my head around. In spite of the fact that his expression suggested otherwise, his eyes were burning with rage. He succeeds at maintaining his calmness.
"Look at her, she clearly doesn't want to go to the prom with any of you," They shifted their gaze to look at me, waiting for my confirmation. I nodded my head. Their death glares changed into expressions of disappointment. They dropped their gifts for me, which included a large teddy bear and a love letter, as they slowly left the room with their heads low. A sigh of relief slipped from my mouth. I needed some time to relax. I was gonna take deep breaths until I felt Jimin's hands wrap around my waist. I could feel him breathing down my neck, moving its way over to my ear.
I heard him whisper, "Don't you dare accept any of those peasant's love," His voice was two octaves deeper, sounding both intimidating and alluring at the same time. "Only mine," He growled. His voice became quieter and somehow, even more, lower than before. He walked away, leaving a bright-red idiot standing there. He... was jealous?! Envious, even? Just then, I heard the bell ring, making me snap out of it. I started to run, attempting to reach my art class which was fortunately close to where I was standing. I saw my art teacher, Dae-Jung about to close the door.
"Wait!" I called out. He stopped. Upon noticing me running towards the room, he quickly opened the door and I swiftly made my way in.
"Y/n, you arrived just in time," he informed me. I felt like I just ran a mile. I breathed, "Really?" and he hummed in confirmation. I slowly made my way over to my seat behind a canvas. This was my final class before we would go home, and I was lucky that Jimin wasn't in this class 'cause he might still be jealous. To make things even worse, one of the boys that tried to win me over was right behind my seat. It was the school's jock and heartthrob, Byung-ho. He was the most popular guy in school because of his charming looks, but he's not my type. I would rather date a trash can if that's even possible. I expected him to date the school's hottest girl, Ji-hu because of the trashy pick-up lines he always tells her at lunch. He even stood up on a table in the cafeteria and started to read a poem he made for her out loud to the entire school. I laughed my butt off as the rest of the female population swooned over his looks, not even paying attention to the poem he was reading. Ji-hu and I were the smart ones 'cause we were both laughing. But as he continued to read the poem, Ji-hu got uncomfortable and slyly slipped out of the scene. By the time Byung-ho was done and turned to look at her to see her reaction, she had already hidden away from him. I remember it like it was yesterday. I even remember some lines from it. "I'm a fool for your charms; you belong in my arms; Love me; please say that you will," was one of them. The fact that he said it so dramatically as if he was saying his last words made me burst into laughter. I finally decided to clear my head and focus on the art lesson.


"Get in," I heard Jimin say from his car with the same low voice as earlier, not even looking at me. Without a word, I rushed over to his car and entered it, shutting the car door with my strength. The whole ride home, he didn't say anything, making the tension between us really intense. Since we didn't say anything, I don't think it's worth mentioning the ride home because all I did was just stare at Jimin's furious face and the window next to me. We finally arrived at the house after what seemed like an eternity. No, more than that. Uncle still wasn't there, so I guess he didn't take the shortcut like we did. Once we finally reached our room, Jimin slammed the door shut, leaving a cold gust of wind through the room. Goodness, was he still mad about those guys asking me out to the prom? I don't like when people are angry, especially at me, so I started to explain myself.
"Listen, I was not planning to go to the prom anyway-" I cut my sentence off as he interrupted me.
"But those guys just won't back off," he said, his body facing away from me, leaning on the door with the help of his hand above his head. It sounded like he was gritting his teeth out of anger.
I uttered, "I-" in a rapid pace, he turned around. I could see his rage just by his aura and his expression. When he got close enough to me, he pulled me toward him from my hand before swiftly transitioning his hand to my waist.
"Listen closely," he told me in a serious tone. I looked up to face him since I was surprisingly shorter than him. I gulped before nodding my head fast, clearly afraid. I could feel the heat of his body because of how close we were.
"You're mine, and only mine, do you understand?" he snarled.
"Y-yes sir," I spilled out. Gosh, what a mess I was. "Call me baby," he said in an irresistible voice while smirking. Before I could correct my previous sentence, he leaned in, kissing me bruisingly. It hurt but it hurt so good, I can't explain it. As we were sharing a satisfying, passionate kiss, he unexpectedly slipped his hand from my waist to my butt before squeezing it hard, causing a slight moan to come out from my lips. Jimin started pushing me toward the bed. Even though I tried to stop him, it was no use. My knees finally hit the border of the bed and I collapsed onto it, Jimin following. We were now on top of each other. He finally pulled away and I was breathing heavily, attempting to catch my breath.
"I- I understand," I breathed as he smirked sinfully above my exhausted body.

A/N: I am not proud of myself for making this :sob: I'm so sorry once again.

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