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I'm so sorry. (its VERY cringy. just a warning, ignore if u want but don't say I didnt warn you) i hesitated while making this one honestly :sob: PLS BE WARNED AGAIN !!

Just a day after my dad got arrested, I was feeling so relieved that he did. I was laying peacefully on my large, soft bed, just relaxing when Jimin entered the room. He went up to the bed and plopped right on it, going next to me.
He asked, "Hey, how are you?" I suppose he was just making sure if I was okay or not.
I answered his question, "I'm good; thanks for asking,"
"You happy your dad is gone?" he asked again. What's up with the questions? I decided not to ask him that, so I simply responded.
"Yeah, I feel better now," I informed him. An unexpected seductive smirk grew upon his face. Was he planning something? I had so many questions in my mind that I didn't notice how visibly red I was. He then questioned me again.
"Do you want to celebrate?" he asked. His usual voice was replaced by a flirtatious one. I wanted to respond to him because I didn't want to leave his question unanswered. I wanted to celebrate. Perhaps with some chocolate cake?
With a smile, I replied, "Yeah, sure," I was curious as to how we were going to celebrate. A party? I was unsure, so I asked him, "How are we going to celebrate?" Instead of answering my question, he said something else to me. "You know we're alone, right?" he muttered in my ear as he leaned closer to me. I was unaware that Mi-Jeong and uncle were away. Were we gonna throw a secret party? I guess the look on my face told Jimin that I didn't know. His head began to lower from my ear to my neck as he sighed. I felt him breathing down my ear as he put his head down. Before he went all the way to my neck, he finally answered my question by quietly saying in my ear, "Like this," Is this how he celebrates? I suddenly realized. Gosh, I was so stupid. Now I knew why he had said that we were by ourselves. He kissed my collarbone before traveling up to my neck, sending a weird bubbly sensation through my body. He gently pecked it before lifting his head back to my ear and whispering to me once again, "Would you like me to do that to your lips?" his question caught me off guard. I froze in place. Heck, I even forgot to breathe.
"I'll take that as a yes," he told me. His voice abruptly became deeper as he spoke. Without any warning, he wrapped his arm around me. Using his left hand, he used one of his fingers to raise my head to perfectly align with his. I closed my eyes to prepare for what was about to happen. Finally, I felt him gently placing his lips on mine; he turned his head a bit to deepen the kiss. At first, it was a gentle and air-light kiss. The next second, Jimin's hands grasped my shoulders, pulling my body closer toward him as the soft kiss began to transform into a satisfying but rough, and aggressive one. His mouth passionately devoured mine. My heart was pounding loudly. A quiet sigh came from my mouth as the tension began to build. Unexpectedly, Jimin used his tongue to open my lips, granting him full control. It was already intense when he tried to give me hickeys, but this was just too much. But that didn't seem like enough to me. I pulled myself closer with the help of the bed sheets, allowing our bodies to get into contact with each other. I heard him say a seductive, "Mmm," but it was muffled. I swear, I could feel his abs. The shirt I picked out earlier was now slowly going up my waist as Jimin lifted it. I felt his hands exploring my waist from top to bottom, calmly caressing it. That caused a tingling sensation down my spine. I felt him gently nip my lower lip. My left hand traveled from his chest to his hair, messing it around. His hand around my waist finally reached my bra, but once it did, he left out an irritated sigh. He suddenly scoffed right after before his hand went to my bra strap.
He attempted to divert my attention by letting his tongue explore every part of my mouth, and it was effective. But not very well, as I could still feel him trying to take my bra off. Sincerely, I had no idea what was causing the bubbly feeling in my stomach, but I didn't want to know. It was that bubbly sensation that made me not want to do anything about him unstrapping my bra. The next second, I was too concentrated on the hot kiss we were sharing, causing me to forget all about my bra until I felt a cold hand on my chest.
He removed it.
I tried to pull myself away from him before things got too crazy, but his grip on my waist didn't allow me to go anywhere but closer to him. I let out a muffled but angry "Mmm!" but he didn't listen.

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