Square One - JIMIN POV

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"Jimin, love. It's time for school," I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see my mom, tapping on my shoulder. I rolled out of my bed as my mom exited my room. Despite the fact that I hadn't even started anything yet, I felt so worn out for some reason. I slowly walked over to my wardrobe to choose an outfit because I didn't want to be late for school. I picked out my school uniform and started to take off my clothes while I thought about what was gonna happen at school today. Was there gonna be a field trip? Will they give us more homework? No homework? I usually try to predict what will happen at school every time I'm dressing up. I have no clue how I got that habit, it just became a daily thing at one point. I was finally done dressing up, so I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my messy hair. I didn't lie to you when I said it was messy. I stared at myself in the mirror before grabbing my toothpaste and toothbrush. I started to think about random things. Suddenly, I remembered my dream.

Before I woke up, I had a dream about my mom and me being rich, the wealthiest people in the world. We were living in a huge mansion. I don't know how we got all that money, but it was just a dream. Some things in dreams just don't make sense. When I was in my dream state, I didn't know I was inside a dream. My mom and I are a bit poor and I have always wanted us to be rich so that my mom could stop working all the time because her work stresses her out a lot. My main goal in life was to be a successful singer one day. Once I was done brushing my teeth, I put the toothbrush and toothpaste aside to get my comb so that I could finally fix my tangled hair. 


I finally arrived at school. Good thing I wasn't late. Just one minute before class started, I parked my car somewhere near the school and bolted inside the building with only about thirty seconds left. I was a bit exhausted from running from the parking lot and into the school, so instead of running, I decided to walk.

I was peacefully walking through the empty hallway, attempting to get to my class when a gorgeous girl came up to me, I was stunned by how beautiful she looked. I stopped walking.

"Hi! My name is Kim Y/n, I'm new. Do you know where class 07 is by any chance?"

Her voice sounded like an angel.

"O-oh yeah. I go to that class and was just about to walk there, follow me!"

Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

I must have sounded so dumb when I slightly stuttered. Why do I even have crushes when they obviously don't like me back?

I started to glance at her every couple of seconds, she looked so perfect...

I realized how poorly I had introduced myself—wait, I hadn't even done that...

"I'm so sorry, where are my manners? My name is P-Park Jimin, o-otherwise known as Jimin, aha... Nice to meet you, y/n!"

I sounded like a mess, for sure... I couldn't even say my own name properly.

She smiled and I blushed a bit. Her smile was so angelic and adorable.

"Here w-we are!"


I opened the door for her like a gentleman, but I feel like she knows I like her because of that. This was a mess, this is what they call love at first sight, right?

I whispered to Mr. Kim:

"Mr. Kim, we have a new student. Her name is Kim Y/n, can you introduce her to the class?"

He nodded as I sat down while he introduced y/n.

"Class, this is our new student, Kim Y/n! She's also my niece so please be nice."

I was surprised she didn't notice me turn red as she sat down next to me. I was a bit distracted at first but I eventually began to keep up with the lesson.


The class was finally over, it felt like history repeated itself outside before the bell rang loudly. I couldn't help but notice how near y/n's locker was to mine when she went to hers.

Was this fate?

No, Jimin. No girl would ever like you!!

I wanted a chance to be close to her though, so I decided to ask her to hang out after school, it would be great to get to know her better!

I stood beside her locker, waiting for her to finally notice me but she jumped a bit when she saw me.

"Woah! You scared me. Do you need anything?"

"I was just wondering if you would like to hang out with me after school. It's okay if you don't want to-"

To my surprise, she agreed and I ran off happily.

Have I made a friend?

I realized I was still smiling when I sprinted to my locker. I never felt this pounding rush in my heart before, how do I control it? My cheeks felt like they were on fire.

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