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Cringe Warning! [im so sorry]

[It's been 2 years since they've started dating.]

"Thank you, Uncle Jin!" I said as I removed the dish from Jin's hands. Uncle Jin gave Jimin a dish consisting of Potato Scones and said, "Here is your plate, Jimin!" "This looks delicious! Thank you, Uncle Jin!" "You're welcome! Lastly, here is your food, Mi-Jeong." "Thanks, Jin." He gave her a plate that had bear claws on it. I made the decision to start eating my meal as soon as my Uncle did since just the sight of it made my stomach growl. Eating before your elders is considered impolite in Korea. He took a bite, and I did the same right away. I've never had a Cheese and Ham Toastie that was better than this one.

I was about to complement his cooking skills until Jimin did it for me. "Uncle Jin, I love your cooking!" "Thank you, my son." Jimin's smile caught my eye just in time, and it instantly warmed my heart. Do you know what's also melted? My cheese and ham toasties. The cheese flawlessly melted inside my mouth as I munched. It was delectable. I glanced at Jimin's platter, and just by looking at him, I could tell he enjoyed his food as much as I did.


"The food was so tasty!" I exclaimed as I entered my room with Jimin. "I know, right?" He frowns and continues, "Uncle Jin is a great cook." "What's up?" "Uh, the ceiling?" He mumbled, attempting to avoid any more questions. "No, dummy. You look sad or mad. I can't tell. What's wrong?" Recently, I saw how dejected he appeared to be. He was looking away and tinkering with his fingers. "Fine. You want to know?" I replied with a hum. "Are you sure?" he questioned. "Yes! My gosh," I roared in anger. "Okay, then. You can't change your mind though." "Why would I want to—"

Of course. I fell for it again. But...
Why did it feel... different?
More sexual.

He pecked my lips lightly, and I tugged his tongue. He wants a kiss? I'll give him a kiss. The warmth of his tongue against mine was different. Our kisses have been romantic, not sexual. Except for the one when we were in the closet. We don't talk about that, though. He moaned in the kiss, sending shivers over my body. Our tounges clashed together, and he slid his hand up my shoulder. His hands slowly drooped to my armpits, and he lifted me from the mattress. Before I knew it, he pulled away but pinned me against the wall.

Pressed together, he looked at my lips. Then my eyes, and then smirked. He kissed me deeper than before and removed my shoulder straps as he played with my tongue. It was useless battling for freedom. My body is squeezed against the wall, and my hands and being trapped by Jimin. I felt that bubbly feeling inside my stomach again, but it was satisfactorily powerful. Jimin released my wrists at last but he clinged to something else. My waist. My hands drooped down, exhausted.

As I was occupied by the kiss, he was occupied with something else.
My belt.

He released himself from the kiss, and as I was panting, he said, "I'm tired." "Tired? But it's 8:00 AM," I replied. "I'm tired of waiting. I might sound desperate, but, I want you, Y/n."
My soul left my body for a second. "You think I don't know that?" "What?" "Everything we do somehow turns into a make-out session. I know. Now, come here, dumbhead," I said while giggling. I took hold of his cute tiny face and kissed it. He didn't let me go the following second, so I believe he had the wrong impression. All I wanted to do was quickly peck him on the lips, but it's too late. I'm trapped.

He pushed me onto the bed while holding my waist in his warm embrace.


"Mmh!" I resisted. As he undressed me, he was kissing my neck. "Y/n," he mutters, staring deeply into my eyes. "I'm too tired of waiting anymore, it's been years. I can't control myself; you're too perfect for me. The passion in our relationship is too good to be true, and I feel like I'm living in a dream." He stares at me. "Give me permission?"

I gasp as he mumbles those words. This can't be true, right? I'm dreaming, right? I begin to panic in my head, but in a panic to answer him, I say: Y-yes.


This is going to be... awkward.


Short chapter, sorry ㅠㅠ

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