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August 25th 2010

I looked over at my clock, I still had 10 minutes to get ready. I was busy shoving things into a bag, some clothes, food and water for my travels, along with my wallet, containing my id and money. I picked up my skateboard, attaching it to the back of my bag, securing it in with the Velcro straps.

My mother was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, tapping her foot on the floor, in a frustrated manner, my stepfather, David, doing the same, giving me a disappointed look,
"This is ridiculous!" She reminded me as I pulled my converse on my feet, picking up my boots, tying the laces around a strap on my bag so they hung by my skateboard, "You can't be missing school to go frolic in the woods with brothers who don't even care about you!" She continued, as I tied my laces, grabbing my keys from the side, shoving them into a side pocket on my jacket. 
"They do care. Daryl just brought me a new bow, I'm going to pick it up" I explained, opening the door to the outside world. I paused as I walked outside, looking back at my mother who was staring at me with yet another disapproving glare, "And we don't frolic."

I was grateful that my mum offered to drive me to the train station, but I always found our car rides so awkward, even more so when you're stuck in massive queues of traffic. I glanced at my watch nervously, I had to be on a train in 40 minutes, and we were still so far away. I pulled a book from my bag, opening it up to where my bookmark lay, reading it to try pass time instead of worrying about missing my train.

I slammed my book shut, throwing on the seat next to me as I heard screaming coming from further up the road.
"What's happening?" I asked my mum, who instantly tried reversing the car, backing us straight into the front of the car behind us. I glared at her, opening the passenger door to try see what was happening. I stepped out the car, standing on the wheel, placing my hand on the roof for balance. I almost fell in shock when I saw what was happening anyway. 

I pulled my hand up to cover my mouth as I saw a woman, her stomach being pulled apart and eaten by some sort of creature: it wasn't exactly human, but it looked like one. I looked further up the highway, gasping in shock to see a whole group of these things making their way up the road.

I didn't hesitate.

"Fuck.." I muttered, reaching back into the car as I grabbed my bag, pulling the straps tightly, tying them in a knot around my chest,
"Okay, mum let's just.. go" I told her, my voice attracting some of the monsters to where we stood. I took a deep breath before I began running towards the grassy bank at the side of the road, laying flat as I watched the creatures approaching were I stood just mere seconds before, tearing into any person it came in contact with, biting into them harshly, pulling their skin from their bodies. I watched in horror as my own mum stayed behind, trying to start the car,

"Mum!" I yelled, "Run!" I could see a thing coming up behind her, watching in pain as it bit into her neck, blood gushing out from the wound as she began screaming. Her screams only began to attract more of them and before I knew it, I watched as four of the monsters tore into her body, not stopping even when her cries died down.

I could feel tears brimming my eyes, I knew there was nothing I could've done but that didn't help, I had basically just gotten my mother killed.

I grimaced as I watched the scene play out, pulling my hands to my ears to block out the screams of dying people and the snarling of the creatures. My head snapped over to my dead mother in the road, slowly standing up.

What. The. Fuck.

She had been dead. Like her heart definitely stopped beating. I watched a monster bite into her neck and heard her screams as she fell to the floor.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I realised what this looked like... zombies? There's no way. Zombies are the type of things you read about in books, not witness in real life. This had to be some sort of sick joke, right?

They were probably just ill people. Strange people who had escaped the mental asylum. Cranks, as David and my mother liked to call them. But how did she rise from the dead?

I watched as the cranks continue walking down the highway and I realised I had to get back home, I had weapons hidden in my room for hunting that I had to get, these guys didn't look particularly friendly.

I glanced down the bank, realising it was my best bet at getting home as I shuffled down, staying as low to the ground as possible as I made my way down the grassy bank.

I stood up at the bottom, luckily we hadn't actually gotten that far from my home, it should only take me an hour or so to walk. I looked back up the bank, brushing some dirt from my trousers as I straightened myself up
"I better get going, huh" I said to myself, looking back behind me one last time before walking along the small grassy path, watching all around me in case any cranks found their way over to me.

Word Count: 939
Total word count: 1,424

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