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I stood like that for a second, expecting the pain of a walker bite to be excruciating, only to be greeted with nothing. I opened my eyes to see Rick, stood in front of me, blood covering his face as it was mine.

I took a breath of relief, letting out a shocked chuckle. I wiped the blood on my face slightly with the back of my hand, only causing it to smudged even more.

Rick reached his hand out, pulling me up to my feet,
"You okay?" He asked, checking my over slightly. I nodded, looking back down at the dead cranks, the hand rake still stuck in its head,

"Are there anymore?" I asked, brushing off my trousers, which had some dirt on them. Rick shook his head in reply,
"That's it" He gestured to the two, which still had blood running from their heads from where they had died.


It was Rick's idea to bring them to the meeting, I suppose it might scared people into sorting themselves out. He led the way, with one walker over his shoulder, I followed closely, the other over mine. I held the hand rake tightly in my spare hand, just in case anymore walkers had found their way in.

There were multiple people shouting when we walked into the meeting, though as we threw the walkers down onto the floor, the shouting died down, and everyone stared at us in shock.

Perhaps it was shock about the dead walkers we had thrown towards them, maybe it was because the two of us were covered in blood, perhaps it was both. I didn't know what to say so I just stood slightly behind Rick, waiting for him to say something.

"There wasn't a guard on the gate, it was open." He deadpanned. It explained how they got in, the gates were completely secure apart from the entrance. Everyone looked over to Spencer in anticipation.

"I asked Gabriel to close it," He defended. I had to admit, for a priest, he was possibly one of the most unreliable, untrustworthy people I had come across.
"Go," Deanna told her son, who nodded, running off in the direction of the gates.

"I didn't bring it in. It got inside on it's own." Rick continued. Deanna looked to me, as if she didn't completely believe him straight away.
"If Rick hadn't found me when he did, I think I would be dead." I explained. It's true,  I had no way out of that one until Rick came along, he saved me.

"They always will get inside. The dead and the living, because we're in here. And the ones out there? They'll hunt us, they'll find us, they'll use us and kill us. But we'll kill them. We'll survive, and we can show you how." Rick continued, gesturing to me and the rest of his group, who were all nodding in agreement.

"It's true. We have experience out there, in the real world. And if you're lucky, we can teach you what we know, before it's too late." I added, stepping forward from the shadow I was previously stood in.

"I'm not sorry for what I said yesterday. I'm sorry for not saying to sooner. You're not ready, but you have to be, luck runs out." We turned around as I heard footsteps behind us, backing up as I saw Pete, standing in the entrance, machete in hand.

Rick grabbed me, pulling me further back behind him as Pete began swinging his machete. "You're not one of us! You're not one of us!" He continuously yelled, staring Rick down as he kept a firm grasp on my arm, keeping my behind him.

I watched Reg step forward, trying to calm the man. This was not going to end well.
"Pete. Just stop. You have to stop, Pete" He warned, putting his hands out, trying to reach for the blade.

Pete didn't stop though, and that was the problem. I watched as the blade swung a little too close to Reg, slicing his throat clean open, blood literally spurting out of it. Sure Reg was still breathing, but in a matter of seconds, he definitely wouldn't be.

I glanced, to Rick, who was loosely holding onto a pistol. I looked back up at Pete, who was still swinging the machete around,
"Rick.... do it" I heard Deanna mutter from the ground, still holding onto Reg's dead body.

Rick went to shoot Pete but the man lunged towards him, making his shot go off slightly, shooting him in the chest. Pete collapsed to the floor but that didn't matter, he would come back soon enough. I pushed Rick's arm off me, walking towards Pete, who was now laying on the floor, twirling the hand rake in my hand to get a slightly better grip before smashing it into the man's head, blood, spurting out.

I threw the rake on the ground next to the man, looking back up at Rick, who was looking down at Pete. My eyes shot up as a unidentified voice rang out from behind us,
"Rick?" I looked up to see a random man, stood in between Aaron and Daryl.

Rick's face dropped as he looked at the man, a shocked yet happy expression as the two looked at each other. I watched as Daryl approached me, taking his sleeve, wiping my face off some more,
"You okay?" He asked as I looked at him,

I looked back at Rick before back at my brother,
"He saved me," I muttered, looking down at the floor. My brother chuckled dryly, placing a hand on my shoulder,
"He's saved all of us," He told me making me smile, looking back up at Rick and the man, who were still looking at each other in disbelief.


word count: 949
total word count: 27, 444

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