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We had been walking for quite some time, but we were almost home now. Heath and Michonne were helping Scott walk whilst I was staying a couple steps ahead, making sure that the path was clear before they came. Dried blood covered my heads and face but I didn't care, not anymore. I was dehydrated and hurting, part of me wanted to stop, just quit but I couldn't, I was a Dixon. I'm not a quitter, and I never will be.

We stopped as we came to a creek, giving ourselves a minute to just breathe. I looked up to the sky with Michonne, looking around to see smoke, to see anything. A flare, a fire, just a sign.


"No smoke. Doesn't mean they didn't make it," Heath told us, I nodded, I knew I had to listen to him, like I've said before, there was too much going on to ask 'what if'.
"The herd is still coming, the creek should slow them down." Michonne said, taking Scott's shoulder again, helping him walking as I lowered myself into the water.

I was wading through the water a little further ahead of the others, ensuring it didn't get too deep anywhere or anything,
"Come through here, it's fine." I informed them, climbing out the creek onto the river bank, holding out my hand to help pull the other three up.


We walked towards the wall's of Alexandria in confusion, a lorry crashed into the side of the wall and one of the watched towers burnt,
"What the hell happened here?" I asked, walking around the ruins. 

We approached the gates and I banged on it harshly,
"Open the gate!" I yelled, banging on it again,
"Is anyone there?" I called out again. I heard footsteps on the other side, like someone running towards the gate. I watched as Tara pulled them open, letting us in, Eugene stood next to her,

"Get Scott to the infirmary and someone please tell me what the fuck has happened here?" I asked as Heath and Eugene began walking Scott off towards the infirmary. 
"It was a group of people, broke inside. It was a bloodbath they were just killing everyone they saw." Tara explained as we walked further. 

I watched as Maggie and Rosita began walking over to us,
"I'm gonna take a minute." I told Michonne, who nodded, I walked off just as the two approached us. I began walking towards my house when distant screaming stood me.

"Open the gate, NOW!" I heard. It was Rick's voice, he sounded worried, panicked.... scared. I watched as Michonne and Rosita opened the gate, letting Rick in before closing it immediately...

The herd was here.


I watched as people began grouping up at the walls but I didn't care, I had to find Jay.

"Jay?" I called out, frantically searching the street for any signs of him, praying I didn't find his dead body. "Jay!" I called again, beginning to get more and more scared. "Jay!" I screamed, running towards our house.

I called his name one more time as I stood outside our house when I heard something behind me,
"y/n?" He said my name softly and I turned around to see him, stood with Carl. 
"Oh my god, you're okay." I ran towards him, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, letting out a breath of relief.

"Is this your blood?" He asked, pulling away from me,
"No.. maybe, I don't know who's it is." I said, looking between the two boys,
"What do we do?" Carl asked, snapping my from my haze.
"Join the others by the wall, we'll have to talk it out." I said, pointing to the group of people, all stood around the walls.


I stood in front of Jay, looking around the survivors, they all looked scared, terrified even. Jay had his arms around my shoulder, resting his head on top of mine. I pointed Rick out to him, who was walking over to us.

"You can hear it." He began, walking to the front of the group, were we stood alongside Michonne, "Some of you saw it." He carried on, giving the two of us a glance, "They got back here, half of them."

Despite every one of these people looked scared, I wasn't. Maybe I'm numb to the terror of the walkers, maybe I know that as long as I'm with the group, nothing can hurt me, or maybe, it's because I know I can handle it.

"Look, I know your scared, you haven't seen anything like this. You haven't been through, anything like this. But were safe for now, the walls are going to hold together... can you?" He gestured to the gates, "The others, they're gonna be back. Daryl, Abraham, Sasha."

I was slightly worried about Daryl, but I knew it was stupid, he was going to be okay, he had to be. Sure we would fight occasionally but I wasn't loosing two of the most important people on the same day, I wouldn't allow it.

"They have vehicles. Once they're back, they can draw them away, just like the others. And Glenn and Nicholas are going to walk back through the gates after." I wanted to believe him, and I tried, but part of me knew, he wasn't going to come back.

"We have to keep noise to a minimum, keep the lights out. We have to keep this place as quiet as a graveyard, see if they move on." Some other girl spoke out,
"This place is a graveyard." Good to know the people were just as optimistic as Rick was being. (Catch the sarcasm.)

"The quarry broke open." Aaron spoke up now. I had to admit I was glad to see him, "and those walkers were heading this way. All of them. The plan that Rick put into place, stopped that from happening. He got half of them away."

I heard Aaron take a shaky breath, he looked on edge,
"I was out there recruiting with Daryl. I wanted to stop and scavenge but Daryl wanted to carry on looking. We did what I wanted. We wound up in a trap, set up by those people. I lost my pack and they must've found it."

I knew were he was going with this, and I didn't like it,
"Those people who attacked us. They found their way back here because of me." Silence spread out and an uneasy feeling spread across the group, even Deanna began walking away.

I took a couple steps forward, making Deanna stop, looking over her shoulder,
 "Good people died to get us back here. I'm not just talking about Glenn. I'm talking about everyone who has died, everyone that will die.
The people who died, who sacrificed themselves, if we give up now, if we let the walkers break these walls down, they would've died for nothing. And I'm not okay with that, and I doubt you are too.
So we're going to do what Rick says. You're going to have to suck it up and shut the hell up because it's not the end for us, not yet anyway."

Everyone was staring at me now but I was done, I walked over to my bow, which was resting on the wall alongside with Rick's walkie before walking off to one of the lookout points, I wanted to take a shift anyway.

word count: 1, 209
total word count: 34, 346

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