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I was driving now, I only had 30 minutes until we hit our next crossover. We would have about 100 miles left after the next stop until I was home. I didn't really know what to expect. Most of me expected it to be broken in to, destroyed. But I think a small part of me just hoped, it was exactly the way I left it.

"It's technically a new day." Jay reminded me. I thought he was asleep but apparently not. I sighed, knowing he was right. I had spent the past hour of driving trying to figure out where I would start. I figured a brief explanation of my family would be a good place.

"I'll start with my family. My  oldest brother, Merle, didn't like me very much. Made me do his dirty work. My other older brother, Daryl, he likes me a little more I suppose. I don't really know. He's the one that got me the bow. And then my mum, she had her moment of being nice, but she left me for dead out here, I guess there isn't much else to say." I explained. It was brief, but enough, I didn't have to go into the explicit details, he didn't have to know that I stood and watched as my own mother got eaten by cranks.

"What about your dad?" I was hoping he wouldn't ask that. I didn't want to remember. I sighed, concentrating on the road,
"He wasn't a dad. Not to me anyway." That was more than enough, that man was lucky I still called him 'dad', because he definitely didn't deserve to be called one.

Jay was about to speak again when the car cut him off. Spluttering to a halt.
"Fuck... no!" I shouted, hitting my hands on the steering wheel. I got out of the car, racing around the bonnet to see smoke raising up from it.


"It's completely busted" Jay muttered to me and he walked around to the trailer, where I sat. I had figured that was probably the case, I was just trying to figure out what to do now. I was going to get home.

"We'll have to walk." I deadpanned. Jay didn't look exactly thrilled to hear this, but neither was I. I showed him the map, I had been keeping track of where we were anyway,
"It's only 100 miles. It should take us three days at a push" I left Jay standing there to gather his thoughts for a second so I could start packing all of our belongings that we could justify bringing.

I began by emptying both our bags, putting all the food, water and medical supplies into one pile. I then put other things, my lighter, some cigarettes I found at Daryl's, all our weapons and any spare clothes. I then left everything else in the car, apart from the photo of me and my brother, I decided to keep that one.

I then split everything in half, trying to make it so both of our bags weighed the same.
"Here, figured you should take this." I handed Jay the pistol I took from the man at the cabin out, it was fully loaded and I figured it was about time I wasn't the only with a gun, especially now we were on foot.

"I don't know how to shoot" He told me. I pushed the gun into his hand,
"I'll teach you, just take it. Just in case" He finally agreed, taking it off me so I could continuing preparing.

I wasn't really worried about the walk itself. We we be able to make it, the only thing that concerned me was our food. We only had a few cans left, I guess the next few days are going to be very, very long.


We had only been walking for 5 hours and I already wanted to stop, we couldn't though, not yet. We had agreed to stop every night between 1 and 5 am. Each have 2 and a half hours of sleep. Sure, it definitely wasn't enough but neither of us cared, we just wanted to get there already.

I knew nobody would have found my stash, so I told Jay we could stay at my house a few days if it was safe enough to, catch up on sleep and eat some food before moving out to an island, we still had to figure out where we were going.

"You doing okay?" I asked, glancing back at Jay who was slightly behind me. We were currently walking through a wooded area, it wasn't that bad though because I spent a lot of my childhood running through forests, this was just like home,

"Would you care if I said no?" He asked, making me scoff,
"We can stop if you need" I reminded him. I didn't want either of us to become too tired to malnourished to keep going.
"Come on, we'll rest here for a little bit" I pointed to a small opening ahead. 

I went first, clearing out the area of the few cranks which were waiting for us inside. It didn't take my long, killing them was second nature at this point. I threw my bag down on the floor, making a small fire in the middle of the opening,
"You should get some sleep" I told Jay, he knew I was right but he was too stubborn to admit it.

"What about you?" He asked, laying his bag down on the floor,
"Don't worry about me" He nodded reluctantly, laying down on the floor, falling asleep almost instantly. 

Word Count: 922
Total word count: 12, 843

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