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I had sat and talked with Daryl for a little longer after our fight. We didn't talk about much. I told him about my mum, when she died and he told me about Beth, said she reminded him of me. I would like to think I would've stayed longer but I had to get home to eat.

That was pretty awkward too. Me and Jay still sat at the table and ate together but it was different, like he didn't want to be there. I'm sure he would get over in a day or so, it wasn't actually that meaningful to him was it?


I was now driving to the run. We decided to take two cars, mainly because me and Nicholas were both too stubborn to let the other drive. It was just me and Glenn in our car, and it was pretty peaceful. I liked Glenn, a lot, he was really nice, I feel like he actually understood me.

I pulled up behind the van, getting out to greet the others,
"That's it?" Tara asked, looking at the warehouse,
"That's the warehouse." Nicholas said before already beginning to walk towards it. Glenn stopped him,
"We should know all the exits first, so there's a plan if things go south." I agreed with him, we couldn't just run into this warehouse blind, we needed a backup plan. And a backup plan for the backup plan. 

"Already got one. It's called going out the front." I hated Nicholas, so much.
"And have you checked the front exit? Or are you just assuming it's safe. Let's just do the perimeter" I watched as Noah took out a crank a little ways away from us, hitting its head first try.

I had stayed at the cars whilst the others did the perimeter, Aiden and Nicholas got back first, and it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even do the check. I pulled open the front door, banging on it harshly to see if any cranks approached, they didn't.

"Give it another second, it's a big place there could be some inside." Glenn told Nicholas as he tried to barge in.
"So let's say there are. Let's move, let's be safe." He shook Glenn's hand off him before moving in,
"I'm not being funny, but we are way safer out than in" I shrugged, Glenn nodded before following Aiden and Nicholas in, it's not like we really had a choice.

"Tara, you got this isle?" I asked as we continued to clear the building. I could hear what sounded like a pack somewhere in the building, followed by mental rattling, it sounded like they were trapped. I hope they're trapped out and not in.

I turned the corner to see the rest of the group, staring at the pack which were separated from us by a metal cage like door. I cocked my eyebrows, pleasantly surprised by how spot on I was.

"There could be more, so just.. watch out." I told the rest as I continued further into the warehouse. I found some more isles which hadn't been searched. They were all clear but one. A singular crank limped its way towards me, something was wrong with its leg. I was about to stab it when a massive explosion got in the way.


My ears were ringing but I could still see pretty easily. The crank wasn't dead yet, still trying to bite me. It was pretty painful to move but I managed to stab it, searching my body, trying to find out where I was injured.

My head throbbed and a bit of blood trickled down my forehead, but that wasn't it. A huge gnash ran across my left shoulder, blood spurting out. It hurt even more now I was aware of it and I didn't know what to do. It was deep, very deep.

I could hear someone shouting my name but I couldn't reply, not yet. I grabbed a shirt which I found on the shelves in the isle I was in, tying it tightly around my shoulder, trying to calm the bleeding.
"Y/n!" Glenn's voice was closer now and I managed to shout back, holding onto my shoulder with my other hand,
"I'm here!" I yelled back, making my way towards his voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked, I could tell by his voice someone was hurt, I just didn't know who, "Yeah... yeah I'll be okay.. I think. What happened?" I made my way further towards the voice, it was dark and there was debris from the explosion everywhere, making it difficult to navigate. 

"Aiden shot a grenade, Tara's been hurt, bad, we need to go, now" I tripped over a metal beam on the floor, tumbling to the floor with a yelp. Glenn found me now, pulling me up, his face dropping as he saw the blood on my shirt and hands,
"What happened?" He asked as I kept applying pressure,
"I'm okay, we just need to go."

He paused for a second before nodding,
"I want you to go that way, out the back door, Eugene should be there with Tara." He tried running but I grabbed him,
"What are you doing?" I asked, he looked at me, frustratedly,
"I need to go help Noah." I nodded before watching him run off towards the lobby. 

Tightening the knot on the shirt on my shoulder, I pulled myself fully up. My head was beginning to spin but I tried to ignore it, making my way towards the door. I saw a few cranks on the floor, their legs shot out and decided to follow them, it had to be the right way.


A hand shot up to my eyes as I pushed my way out the door, the sun blinding me. I ran over to Eugene, who was pulling Tara towards the van,
"Are you able to drive?" He shouted to me once he saw my condition.
"I can probably give it a go?" I replied, not knowing where he was going.
"Take Tara, get her back to Alexandria." He instructed, carrying her towards the car, placing her in the back.

I could hear Glenn screaming Noah's name in the distance, I wanted to help but I knew I couldn't. That was down to Eugene. I got in the car, taking a deep breath as I placed my injured arm on the gear stick, putting it into gear, pulling away. Sure it was painful but the adrenaline helped, I had to get Tara back.


Glenn had told me what happened to Noah in the lobby over a radio once I got back. Tara had made the journey and now the others were trying to get me the help I needed. The loud engine of the van distracted me. I pushed everyone around me off, marching out of the building to see the car.

Everyone began stumbling out and I didn't hesitate, throwing myself towards Nicholas, punching him onto the floor, getting on top of him,
"You selfish," I punched him harshly, "Cowardly!" Again, "ignorant fucking shitbag!" I didn't stop punching him, his face bruised and bloodied. I ignored the shouts and the agonising pain which was coursing through my shoulder.

I only stopped when Daryl ran over, pulling me off the man. He held onto me, refusing to let go. My head began spinning, now worse than ever. I had managed to calm the bleeding a little, but that didn't matter anymore. It was now bleeding just as much as it did when it first happened. I could see black spots covering my vision and my hearing blurred, nothing made sense.

That's the last thing that I remember before collapsing into my brother's arm, sinking into the darkness, allowing it take me over.

word count : 1, 277
total word count: 24, 336

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